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W/C Newbie rig pic

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Feb 21, 2003
First of all, thanks to all of you here who have contributed in the past weeks and months. Using the information on this message board I was able to confidently put together a watercooling system for the first time:


Maxi Jet 1200
Danger Den Maze3SHD
1966 Mustang Heatercore (twin 5/8" pipes)
R/C fuel tank as res
1/2" ID vinyl tubing
Zerex Water Pump Protectant/Lubricant
Antec SLK2600AMB (same dimensions as LANBoy)

There is a serious kink that is a result of too-short tubing. I have 13 inches left over from the 5 ft length I bought from Home Depto (21 cents/ft) that I will swap out to fix that problem.

Idle temp this morning (on air) 47c
Load temp (watercooled) 46c

Anyone here who says they cant do it is wrong. All the info is here. Go and get it.

EDIT: Updated pic. No kink
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Nice rig, just get rid of that kink and you'll probably have lower temps. Also with a rad that big you might want to consider adding another 120mm fan or if you really want to be extreme get three more and have a push-pull setup.
Nicely done!
I like the small case, it can be tuff cramming everything in such a tight space.
Cool idea using the R/C fuel tank as a res!

Cool!....nice job...ya that's an ugly kink... hehe I think that if you get the 1/2" ID with the 3/4" OD...it may help you with that kink or go for Tygon.

I'm waiting to get my parts to build mine...can't wait .aaarrrgggg
I thought the 3/4" OD would be too stiff for my cramped case so I went with 5/8" OD. I replaced the hose since I've posted that pic with a longer section and the kink is history. Now I have some foam in the line! :( I'll figure out what to do about that in a bit ("foam" is long enough to fit the search engine).
Yeah, fix that kink and maybe try to get more airflow across that badboy heater core and I think you'll see a good drop in your temps :D
nice looking setup, i'm pretty new to w/cing myself, i've had my etup going for about a month but i'm still too embarassed to post pics, hehe, this weekend i'd redoing a few things and i'll probably post a pic or two then.

i've enjoyed it alot.. and still am, i have a list of things i want to change and add to it as time permits... i hope you find it every bit as enjoyable as i have...

as for the foam hopefully lit goes away for you.. i know i got what i thought was foam at first when i added water wetter... but ended up being a white gunk that caked onto my tubing... and i was unable to get it completely removed...
It was so nice and clear. I had run the setup 12 hours before installing it (yep, i found a leak in that time!) and it had bled itself easily. I added Zerex after that and all was good. When I fixed the kink i obviously had to let air in. When I cranked it up the air mixed with the Zerex. Maybe it will go away, but I'm not too concerned if it doesnt. The movement of the foam let's me know the fluid is circulating.
oh okay i know what you mean now.. atleast i think... the same thing happen to me at first... and i set it up to bleed overnight and in the morning it was all gone...
Instead of bolting on another fan, you could consider to use a shroud on the one you have already. From the large area currently not covered by the fan, you could reap some benefit with the aid of a shroud.
To shroud it I will likely have to have it pulling instead of pushing, but I think I will do that. Cooling area is a phat 8x6 inches. :) No barbs added.. just heat up the tubing in boiling water and slide them on. Clamps are not necessary at that point, but it's stupid not to add them.

EDIT: Updated pic, no kink.
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very nice job for first time... i am impressed.
and yes you are right... anyone who says they cant do it is wrong.

wibarm--- is that my atvar with a blue filter over it? lol just wondering ;)
Nico3k said:
wibarm--- is that my atvar with a blue filter over it? lol just
wondering ;)

why yes it is, but i didn't know it was yours i saw someone else had it and i asked them where they got and if it was allright if i use it, they said they jsut took it form someone else, hehe, hope you don't mind :D