Ok, I've been in this subject some times before. I'm a chemistry student, and have followed courses of Industrial Innovation, about pipe flows/ heat transfers/ reaction rates and kinetics, you name it... Here's what I think:
First let's start with a given constant: Your heat transfer (Watts) is linearly dependant of your Temperature difference. This is far more important than waterflowrate, though you have to adjust your flow according to your temp differences.
To go short: my opinion is that the efficiency of your cooling setup (the right water flow) is dependant of the ratio between waterblock capacity and radiator capacity. 2 examples:
- radiator (inclusive the air flow) heat transfer more effective than block: Radiator benefit MORE from a average medium temp (accomplished by high flow), than from a partial high temp (in the beginning) and partial low temp (the end of the radiator. Especially when water has passed the first half, there is almost no more heat radiated because of the low temp difference. Actually I should have a graph right here to point this out, but I'm short on time, maybe next weekend I can do some more research if there is any interest. When water flows RELATIVELY cool though a waterblock (because of high radiator capacity), you want high temp difference, that means high flow, not that it's warmed up halfway.
-the opposite.. well it's about diner time, it isn't hard to figure out it's quite the opposite. Water get's hotter, so you have more heat out of it by your poor radiator, with a low residence time or a low surface area/ thermal conductivity.
I use a heater core, it's alu and is far superior for my athlon barking out about 60 watts, not peltiered (yet, I'm starting to get facinated and bored because of not much oc'ing action lately).
About the ability to pick up heat and flow rate, there is a certain point when the water flow goes from Laminar flow (=linear speed distribution for fluid from the middle off your pipe to the wall) to Turbulent flow (no linear relation, constant mixing of water near the walls and in the middle. It's quite clear that turbulent = better. You can accomplish this by higher flow, an irregular water path, but (where many go wrong..) a smooth surface!! Because if you don't, you have 'pockets' of fluid heating up and lowering the heattransfercoefficient. Best blocks are smooth, have complex tunnels and a large surface area to exchange heat. Lower inner diameter increases local water flux(don't dare to say flow), helps as long as your pump can handle it.
I think I've made my point for now, if there is any interest, I can setup a mathematical example. But many of the numbers are very difficult related to real life performance, this is where you enter the realm of true industrial innovators. As I'm just a student.. but I'm an overclocker!
p.s. I really like the article about evaporation water cooling, maybe I'm going to try it too soon!