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Water cooling order

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Feb 16, 2001
Cambridge England
I am planing to make a watercooling system for my next cpu this will have one pump one waterblock and two radiators (for I will get a peltier soon after) In which order should it go. Pump waterblock radiator radiator or pump radiator waterblock radiator?
There are 2 schools of thought.
Waterblock first so you get the best flow over the processor.
Radiator first so you have cooler water over the processor.

I personally think that it does not make that much difference as long as your reservoir is big enough. Mount it in what ever way fits your case better.
Lynx (May 24, 2001 12:58 p.m.):
I am planing to make a watercooling system for my next cpu this will have one pump one waterblock and two radiators (for I will get a peltier soon after) In which order should it go. Pump waterblock radiator radiator or pump radiator waterblock radiator?

My thoughts have always been that I would rather my water pump be in cold water rather than hot so my setup is pump -> water block -> radiator -> pump With this setup the water coming into the reservoir is already cooled thus it helps keep the water pump cool rather than having the pump sitting in warm water. I don’t know for sure but I would think the pump will last longer being in cold water. Take it as you will, just my theory.
Well, What if you have an inline pump without a reservoir?

I run mine from pump to block to radiator back to the pump, Mine is a closed loop system without a reservoir. I think if your going to be running a pelt you may want the block right after the pump. Reason being so you get the most flow rate moving thru the block so you dont oversaturate the water with heat.

My temps are a little warm right now I think for the cooling I have. I have an inline Rio 200gph, with a 12" x 5" x 3\4" radiator. My temps are around 9c @ idle and 20c under full load. I have another waterblock coming and I'm going to shorten the amount of tubing I'm running as well to improve flow rate. I have everything outside of the case to run it cooler. But I'm going to put the pump in the case so there is very little tubing going from the pump to the the block. That should improve things a little, it would give a lot better flow rate through the block. I'm also thinking of getting another radiator to dump some more heat out of the water.
whatever setup you decide to use just keep in mind that you dont want too much water flow, I you do get to much then the water will be moving too fast to absorb the maximum amount of heat that it can, this is where you get to do lots of testing with different flow rates,to adjust flow just put a valve somwhere after the pump or right before the block. I am running my rio600 pump moded so it sits outside the res. then rad. and the valve to the block and back to the pump. Works pretty good right now, still havent problems getting accurate readings with my probe, think it may be dead or bad,oh yeah i got a pelt too.

hope this helps some.....if any LOL

I run mine reservoir/pump -> radiator -> block -> resivior. Seemed to me that I would want the coolest water possible over the block and since my pump is the submerged type...

I found my system works best with a 60gph pump. A 240 gph pump made the CPU run 3-5C hotter, guess it is a balancing act between radiator size, air flow, water lag time in radiator, water volume, pump efficency, water flow and ambient temps...
On another point do I need a resevoir in my system. My friend says I have a I dont as I have enough cooling not to warent it but last night he fried his Asus A7m266 when a wire on his pc speaker disconnected and shorted with ground it was smokey!!!
I believe that with a large reservoir you get better cooling. You have more water that can absorb more heat. Some people do run an inline pump and no reservoir and it does work, but I think it would be better with one.
If it makes an improvement with a reservoir, it's only by a few C. With more water all it's gonna do is take longer for your temps to rise and stabilize. Unless you have some other way to help dissapate the heat.
Ridenow (May 24, 2001 01:23 p.m.):
There are 2 schools of thought.
Waterblock first so you get the best flow over the processor.
Radiator first so you have cooler water over the processor.

I personally think that it does not make that much difference as long as your reservoir is big enough. Mount it in what ever way fits your case better.

Water is not compressable (at our pressures) so flow through out the system is the same everywhere. Qin = Qout