What??? You've killed your K7 600? I'm sorry for you, how did it happen? As I promised I get pics of my watercooling next week, I'm a little busy right now, I have an exam monday. Somewhere next week, a friend of mine drops by to take some pics with his digital camera. About the rig, I have a heatercore as radiator (picked up at local junk yard, 5$, outperforms all mini-radiators, great tip!). Only the radiator is outside, is 20x20 cm, and when I go somewhere with my rig, I tie it on the top of my case (mid-tower) and everything is portable, done it twice already. The block (alu) was enginered by my father, real good job, but this kind of things require skills I don't even have, so I think you have to buy one. But be patient, wait till I have pics...