....I hope it performs better then the one that I have on here right now....ack. And not only that, it don't matter, I am going to convert the other block into a homemade chiller. This is what I want to accomplish with this:
I want to be able to cool the CPU when it is in it overclocked state, however, I do not want to go below room temp, so I want to be able to adjust the flow through the chiller, as to not go below room temp (or below the dew point anyways) how powerful of a TEC would that require? Can someone tell me if this is a worthy idea? Gotta get that bird down in temps a wee bit, its running at 120F...after a few hours of Q3A, and everything, but i've seen people that have 1.6Ghz cpus running at just over 100F in the same type of conditions.
I want to be able to cool the CPU when it is in it overclocked state, however, I do not want to go below room temp, so I want to be able to adjust the flow through the chiller, as to not go below room temp (or below the dew point anyways) how powerful of a TEC would that require? Can someone tell me if this is a worthy idea? Gotta get that bird down in temps a wee bit, its running at 120F...after a few hours of Q3A, and everything, but i've seen people that have 1.6Ghz cpus running at just over 100F in the same type of conditions.