Our goal Is THE WORLD!!!
We shall not settle for anything less.
I remember when boinc came out. I also was leary about dumping Seti and starting boinc. i mean, i had all those WU's in Seti done...it felt wrong to just leave them, and switch. then the though of the possible hassle of switching....was kinda pushing me away from changing to boinc...
but now, i wish i had joined up with it earlier. At the moment, i only have 3 computers crunching ( The sites say i have had 10, which is actually less than that. i can think of only 6 off the top of my head. and one was an upgrade in processors. and such..). But i have only 3 computers crunching, Mine, And two of my friends. I'm in the top 50. i'm in 38th spot at the moment. trying to get higher.
So for any of the people out there, reading this that is thinking about going to boinc, listen. It is well worth it. The software is so easy to navigate, use, install an everything.
The only problems we ever see is the boinc servers go down. but for that reason, most of us have our preferences set up to keep like 6 days worth of WU's stocked up ( for me its 6, but my computer goes through all those in like 3 or 4 days. But thats because boinc THINKS my comptuer will do a WU in 3 hours and 23 min. when really my computer does it in 2 hours and 10 min. )
But if you have WU's stocked up, like i do. you never even really notice when the servers go down.
like a week ago, when boinc changed server stuff, they were down for a few days. i came close to using up all my WU's. but i had 6 left to do, when boinc went back up.
But trust me, other than there servers ( which as i said, you can get around by stocking up on WU's ), There is no disadvantage to switching to boinc. So if your thinking about it....DO IT. we need all the crunching power we can get! we are in the top 10 people!!! And we want to climb higher and higher. And when Seti closes, alot more teams will form in boinc. and other teams will start producing more Credits. so we need to add some NOS to our fuel, and get this sucker rolling at full throtle!!!
ok...i said enough. i get off topic easily too....i type to much....blah.