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SOLVED what is a good hs/f for a slot 1 p3?

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Hello all, i need to know what is a good hs/f for a slot 1 667 @ 740, and soon to be a 850p3 slot 1, (hope to get 1000mhz). THIS CANNOT TAKE UP A RAM SLOT!
I have an extra large tower case.
If you can also include a url.
Mark S.
ok that's 1 for gorb, any one else?
how about a triple hs/f? anyone use them?
The GORB is pretty good, it doesn' have an overwhelming following but I'd say for the money it's a great deal.

If you want an alternative to the GORB the you might consider a Globalwin VOS32. I just upgraded to one from a GORB and I couldn't be happier.

If you want something inexpensive go for the GORB, not sure how it'll handle at 1ghz though, I was runnin' a 700@933 with it. If you don't mind spendin' the extra cash then give the Globalwin a look.

I'm not sure if the Globalwin will take up a DIMM slot, that depends on your mobo.

yes i agree with poopster the golden ord is ok for mild overclocking but at 1ghz you may want to try something a little more powerful give the globalwin a try theyre not to expensive but some models are quite loud (but powerful)
well i have an asus p3v4x mb with all my ram banks filled up. and loudness doesn't matter too much to me.
I need to know how wide (from where the cpu touches, to the fans) these two heatsink fans are; ALPHA P3125S with the 60mm Sunon fans and GLOBALWIN VOS32. Anyone out there who can tell me?
got a GORB. keeps my p3 700@933 at around 93F. very quiet too. theres a link out there that you can actually hear alot of the fans. i hafta look for it later if you want...
The dimenions on the Globalwin VOS32 are120mm x75mm x 45mm plus two 60mm x 25mm Fans.

The Alpha P3125s are 125mm x 60mm x 80mm plus two 60mm x 25mm fans.

Don't worry about the GORB's size, it'll fit.
well guys looks like i am gonna either go with a GORB or a triple fan heat-sink. Whats the call i should make?
Thanks to all the posters.
Mark S.
I think i will get a lot of comment because this but anyway , i personally think that the golden orb just sucks !! I had it on a PIII800EB just a little overclocked , With the retail heatsink i had temp like 53/57c
so i got a GORP. After the horror of getting it on the socket with crushing my cpu or breaking of the plastic feet
of the socket i had NO difference in temp , i even used Artic silver after lapping, i think they are just cpu killers
Ok ..i am talking about the socket 370 and you want to now about slot 1
well ... go with the Alpha P3125 it is the best for slot 1 and later you can add a Peltier if you want with ease.
There is a little piece on the casing of the heatsink which you can cut away very easy to give it room for your dimm slots. good luck