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What is the best harddrive out right now?

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Nov 15, 2001
I'm looking for a new harddrive. I want one thats quiet, dependable and fast. Anyone have any recommendations?

There's definitely going to be just too many suggestion, everyone had different experience with different brands. But here are my two cents: Seagate or IBM would be the only brands I'd buy for a HDD currently. Although IBM tend to get hot, so you need to cool them or they'll die out on you. WD has to be the worst brand you can get IMHO, the others aren't great but they may do good, or they may not cut the mustard.

Maxtor D740X Series,

Next Gen ATA-133
Very quiet
More cost effective /GB vs IBM/Western digital
Fastest access time of only 8.5ms
Provides the fastest performance when in RAID0 paired with two or more.

The Special Edition 120gig Western Digital WD1200JB. Read Seek Time (average)8.9ms, Mode 5 Ultra ATA 100.0MB/s, Buffer To Disk 602.0Mbits/s(max), Write Seek Time(average) 10.9ms, Mode 4 Ultra ATA 33.3MB/s, Track-To-Track Seek Time 2.0ms, Mode 2 Ultra ATA 33.3MB/s, Full Stroke Seek 21.0ms, Mode 4 PIO 16.6MB/s, Average Latency 4.2ms, Mode 2 multi-word DMA 16.6MB/s, Rotational Speed 7,200RPM and lastly a Buffer Size of 8MB.
AXIA said:
Maxtor D740X Series,

Next Gen ATA-133
Very quiet
More cost effective /GB vs IBM/Western digital
Fastest access time of only 8.5ms
Provides the fastest performance when in RAID0 paired with two or more.


i also think that these are the best all around drives out at the momet. Too bad my board doesn't utilize them.:rolleyes:
I agree with Klownin79 Western Digital. I own a 212 mb, a 341 mb, a 6.4 gig, a 10, 2 20's and a 40 and none of them have errors and I do abuse the 40 and 2 20s. They seem to run fine at high FSB.

the D740x is quiet! even the non-quietdrive one. ill find out how high of a fsb it takes on tues or wed
add my vote to the maxtor D740x drive as it is at a decent price spot. The special edition WD's are probably the fastest IDE drives but they are also much more exspensive. I have lost a few segates IDE's in my time. My only fujitsu is still going strong after 4 years. I have pretty good luck with WD's