I hope this works
# Windows Graphical Edition ###################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 2.19
[email protected]
Benchmarking ...
- Ask before connecting: No
- ID = 6DBFA6CD41147A57
Loaded queue successfully.
Initialization complete
+ Attempting to send results
- Connecting to server (
+ Results successfully sent
+ Starting local stats count at 1
+ Attempting to send results
- Connecting to server (
+ Results successfully sent
+ Number of Units Completed: 2
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
+ Processing work unit
Core required: Core_65.exe (found)
[March 15 14:49:12] Working on Unit 03
+ Working ...
[14:49:13] Folding@Home Client Core Version 2.41 (Jan 22, 2002)
[14:49:13] Proj: work/wudata_03
[14:49:13] nsteps: 500000 dt: 2.000000 dt_dump: 100.000000 temperature: 288.000000
[14:49:13] xyzfile:
[14:49:13] " 225 ABeta17-42
[14:49:13] 1 N 16.220744 -12.959064 26.623102 20 2 ..."
[14:49:13] keyfile:
[14:49:13] "#verbose
[14:49:13] NOVERSION
[14:49:13] ARCHIVE
[14:49:13] #cutoff 16.0
[14:49:13] #taper 12.0
[14:49:13] printout ..."
[14:49:13] - Couldn't get size info for dyn file: work/wudata_03.dyn
[14:49:13] Starting from initial work packet
[14:49:13] Protein: ABeta17-42
[14:49:13] - Frames Completed: 0, Remaining: 100
[14:49:13] - Dynamic steps required: 500000
[14:49:13] Writing local files:
[14:49:13] parameters work/wudata_03.prm
[14:49:13] - Writing "work/wudata_03.key": (overwrite)successful.
[14:49:13] - Writing "work/wudata_03.xyz": (overwrite)successful.
[14:49:13] - Writing "work/wudata_03.prm": (overwrite)successful.
[14:49:14] - Writing "work/wudata_03.key": (append)successful.
[14:49:14] PROJECT="work/wudata_03", NSTEPS=500000, DT=2.0000, DTDUMP=10.000000, TEMP=288.00
[14:49:14] TINKER: Software Tools for Molecular Design
[14:49:14] Version 3.8 October 2000
[14:49:14] Copyright (c) Jay William Ponder 1990-2000
[14:49:14] portions Copyright (c) Michael Shirts 2001
[14:49:14] portions Copyright (c) Vijay S Pande 2001
[[17:55:48] TINKER is Exiting following Normal Termination
[17:55:48] Finished Work Unit:
[17:55:48] ARC file integrity verified
[17:55:48] logfile size: 5887
[17:55:48] Leaving Run
[17:55:48] - Writing 156955 bytes of core data to disk.
[17:55:48] end (WriteWorkResults)
[17:55:48] - Shutting down core
[17:55:48] Folding@Home2 Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
CoreStatus = 64 (100)
Sending work to server
+ Attempting to send results
- Connecting to server (
+ Results successfully sent
+ Number of Units Completed: 3
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #1 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #2 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #3 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
Opening C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe
http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/Cosm/phase2.html http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/Cosm/phase2.html
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #4 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #5 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #6 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #7 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
- Error: Getwork #8 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #9 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry
+ Attempting to get work packet
- Connecting to assignment server
- Successful: assigned to (
+ News From Folding@Home: Welcome to 2.0
+ Closed connections
- Error: Getwork #10 failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry