I am thinking of making the jump to an AXIA 1.33 from my PIII. I know nothing about whats the best chipset or m/b. I have always used ASUS boards and usually stick to Intel chipsets. I had a really bad experience with the Via 133 Pro that I tried, really bad video performance compaired to Intel. Has this been fixed on the 266 chipset? Is the ASUS board still the way to go? I already have 256 meg of Cas2 PC133 Infinion ram so DDR is not real important, but who knows. Will probably want to get a Raid board and get another Quantum in the future. System as of now is:
Alpha PEP66 with Sunon Hi Output 23.5 fan (Delta Black Label 38 in drawer, Wife says it's too loud)
256 meg PC-133
30 gig Quantum Fireball plus
15 gig WD
Creative 52x reader
Plextor 12/10/32 burner
Creative GeForce2 GTS
SB Live
Alpha PEP66 with Sunon Hi Output 23.5 fan (Delta Black Label 38 in drawer, Wife says it's too loud)
256 meg PC-133
30 gig Quantum Fireball plus
15 gig WD
Creative 52x reader
Plextor 12/10/32 burner
Creative GeForce2 GTS
SB Live