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what should i expect for a 3dmark score with this system??

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Dec 20, 2000
Running on win98se (i havent got the chip, ram or mobo yet)
Duron 700@ 1000 (10x100 or 7.5x133) (whatever i can make my chip do)
Abit KT7a-RAID and Abit Silurio GF2MX
256megs pc133 micron RAM cas2 ( ionly have 64megs PC100 NEC cas 2 rite now)
6gig 7200RPM UDMA100 (getting a 7200RPM UDMA100 30+gig drive in a few months)

guess thats all that matters for a 3dmark2000 score?
what would i get??
i'll O'C my GF2MX to 200/200 at least.....

hell yeA!
For reference, I just scored 6061 3D Marks in 3DMark 2000 in a box I'm building for my daughter. It's a work in progress, but here's what's in the box so far.

Generic Mini ATX Tower with 300W AMD Approved PS
Gateway/MSI K7T Pro Lite Mobo
OEM T-Bird 800 @ 800 MHz
GlobalWin FOP32-1
128 MB CAS2 PC133 Mosel Vitalic
Hercules 3D Prophet DDR-DVI O/C'ed to 160/360
Old crappy 500 MB Quantum Hard Drive (getting a real one this weekend).

You will have a lesser performer in the MX, and your Duron, if it ever does get O/C'ed to 1 GHz is only a little better performer than my 800 T-Bird. So I'd estimate you should get somewhere around 5500 3D Marks.
My friend has a 600 Duron OC'd to 1 ghz and he gets around 5100 marks
He has 256 Megs PC133 Ram and an Abit Kt7-raid with a voodoo3 3000
OC'd to 166/166 (I know the video card sucks but he has pretty much the same specs as you other than that.)
duron 600 @ 1070 (107*10)
asus a7v rev 1.02
128mb mosel vitalic pc100 cas 2 running at (FSB+PCI=142)mhz cas 2 !!
creative geforce pro at 150/345
ibm 75gxp 30gb

gives me 6200-something on the default benchmark. expect a little less with the mx...
T Bird 950 @ 1200 9x133fsb 2.11 volts
Asus G force2 GTS 64meg (225/450)
2 128 meg Mushkin Pc-133 Rev.3\

i broke 9900 lastnight @ defalt
god im close to the 10,000 @ defalt !
rocking azz!!!! that's huuuuuuge! a few more mhz out of that geforce's memory and you'll have it! holding thumbs for ya!
My bro's got a GF2mx DDR in the system I built for him (oc'ed to 220/310) - with a duron 600@900 (running a gig in my box now), 128MB cas3 RAM and the abit KT7, it got to about 4600 on the default benchmark. Tried all the det3 drivers, and different VIA 4in1's, but couldn't get it any higher. If you could run at a 133MHz fsb that'd help, I'd guess you'd see around 5000-5500 default - I'm sure my bro's sytem should do better, never could work out why... AGP fast writes and sidebanding enabled, 4x etc... it's a mystery :(
AZZKICKER (Feb 17, 2001 02:49 a.m.):
T Bird 950 @ 1200 9x133fsb 2.11 volts
Asus G force2 GTS 64meg (225/450)
2 128 meg Mushkin Pc-133 Rev.3\

i broke 9900 lastnight @ defalt
god im close to the 10,000 @ defalt !

hahahah!!! @Default i hope you meant default res, not default speeds, even with that overclock, it won't happen, more like 8900, with an ultra and a tbird [email protected] ultra overclocked to 300/545 it's only a 10k mark there, gotta try harder! look on the orb, you'll see there are no +9k scores with a gts/tbird setup that are not fakes with anything less than 1.3ghz tbird,
to the orig poster, 5k is about what you'll see without tweaks, 6k with overclocking and some tweaking.