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Whats a safe voltage for my XP2000 tbred?

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Jun 27, 2001
Wash. State
I currently have my XP2000 tbred (not sure if it is an a' or b'). at 1.85 volts with the fsb at 149. How much higher can I go on the voltage before it is hitting the danger zpne? Is 2 volts too high? I have an SK-800 with a Thermaltake Smartfan II mounted on it so my cooling is pretty descent for air cooling. If you need to know anything else about my rig it is in my sig. Also, can any of you point me to a link or two to unlock this chip? My Appogee doesnt allow for the multi to be changed.
Just an update, I went ahead and just bumped the fsb to 150, and my temps with mbm are 45@idle, and after running 3dmark2k1 was at 50. According to Sandra temps report much lower though, like in the 30's but I just dont trust that program much. Apogee OC utility reports a fsb of 151 and temps at 46, so I think mbm is pretty close. So whats a safe voltage for the cpu, I wanna try and hit 166fsb if I can, but dont want to torch this chip.
A good rule of thumb 20 % anything above that you looking for truoble.

1.6 + 20 % = 1.92

But thats just what I think and also this would depend on what your temps look like I can run 1.95 and temp's never break 45c.


The bottom is what I am currently running at whereas the top is where I have gone the highest so far with my 2000 T Bred B
Thanks, that is something to keep in mind, the 20%rule. The thing is so far with my rig, raising the vcore to what I have so far my temps havent really gone up any. This thing has run hot from day one, and I have a pretty well cooled case too, with 4 case fans, and I can turn on two more if need be. I may take the vcore up a bit more and see how much higher I can go fsb wise. What I would really like to do though is unlock my cpu and see what it will do without any voltage added.
Well that is where I am at right now. Is there a way to tell whether my chip is a T-bred A, or B by what voltage it runs stock at?