Hi, I'm planning to get either a 1.1 or 1.2 ghz Thunderbird CPU and overclock it. Now I want a fan that will do the job, but it can't be very loud at all. What are your suggestions?
Here are some of the things i'm considering:
Alpha PEP66T with Sanyo Denki 19.3 CFM fan
Thermaltake Thermoengine with stock 16.3 CFM
Coolermaster EP5-6l11
Thermaltake Volcano II
Which of those do you think would work best? Or if you know another good fan thats quite let me know. I also have an Agilent Arcticooler lieing around somewhere I could use as well, but I think I can find something that cools better than that.
Here are some of the things i'm considering:
Alpha PEP66T with Sanyo Denki 19.3 CFM fan
Thermaltake Thermoengine with stock 16.3 CFM
Coolermaster EP5-6l11
Thermaltake Volcano II
Which of those do you think would work best? Or if you know another good fan thats quite let me know. I also have an Agilent Arcticooler lieing around somewhere I could use as well, but I think I can find something that cools better than that.