Question for you. Elsa has dropped their price to the same as the VisionTek's. Herc's card is still a 30 bucks more but my question is: Elsa has the 3.8 ns, released 2 weeks later then the others, but always had improved on Nvidia's Ref Boards. VisionTek also has the 3.8 ns DDR, 1st to ship, but a cheesy fan. Or the last is Herc's w/o the 3.8 ns(4.0) but the killer Blue Orb fan already installed. I know the DDR difference makes a gap in overclocking. I saw people at x-bit labs overclock the VisionTek to 240/540 because of the DDR but without stock cooling. Where to turn? Just wanted an unbiased opinion of which to invest into.