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Which MOBO for P3

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Dec 21, 2001
P3 933 Coppermine,I want to overclock it,and was wondering which MOBO would be a good one,and can you get one with DDR?
first of all, PIII cannot take the advantage of DDR, so migh as welll omit it. second, it depends on whether you want to upgrade to tualatin or not. I would strongly suggest ST6 anyway.
if you dont plan on upgrading to a tually, get yourself a CUSL2. you wont regret it.

if you are, then get an ST6 or a gigabyte 60XET-C (cheaper one).
CUSL2 is now replaced by TUSL2, might as well get it, it is the only 815ep board, which will give u vcore up to 1.8 without any mod. However, since i never touch it, don't know if it can handle high fsb well like my ST6 and XET-C, judging by database, it is ok.
The chipset to have if you want DDR with the PIII is the VIA Apollo 266. But the problem is that PIII processor bus (1.06 GB/s)can not fill the DDR memory bus (2.1 GB/s). I have a PIII+DDR mobo and I'm not uncorfortable with it, you can check my experience with it here.

If you are going to buy a new motherboard to be used with your PIII, buy one that can get a Tualatin chip on it. THat way you have an unpagrade path available.