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Why the Wii is wonderfull

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Apr 23, 2001
I know that super-whoopee-doo-graphics, HDMI inputs and WTF outputs of the XBox360 and PS3 consoles with specifications that sound like 'M' from the James Bond movies designed them impress a great deal of people.
I know for a fact that the PS3 fanboys had great satisfaction at the PSU issues of the Xbox and likewise the Xbox fanboys are rejoicing now at reports of stillborn PS3's.
I know for a fact that the most correct thing I have heard during this recent round of the console war is what I currently have in my signature, the quote from Oni

Originally Posted by Oni :-
I'm sick of reading half-baked facts about numbers, prices, and game releases. I'm sick of the bias towards console x over console z. Who cares, really? Did a certain console call your mom fat, or insult your girlfriend? Probably not. I don't understand the defensiveness that most fanboys display (console or otherwise).

However there is another console often looked at as being less of a threat which is why I believe the fanboys who have made an alternative purchase do attack it and that is the Wii... however I believe this console may take a bigger share of the market than people believe because of people such as myself.
The last console I brought with the thought of using it as a console was a N64 as after this the games just appeared to get more impressive graphically however from my perspective the gaming expierience did not evolve greatly.
Currently im still a big fan of and am playing online a multiplayer game released December 2, 1999.... This game is Quake3 Arena... I also own Quake4 but ultimately its not as playable, as enjoyable as its older relative... you can state that I am wrong yet I am not the only person who feels this way as there are many people still playing it, even after all these years...
The PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Xbox360, PS3 have never displayed anything to interest me enough to make me want to know of the specifications, let alone want one, even for 100 bucks... yet the wii does, it looks very interesting, great fun, its new and exciting and I am about to buy the first console I have in years, many other people I have spoken to are doing the same.

Perhaps Nintendo have a market that Sony and Microsoft have not tapped into, perhaps Nintendo are reaching non-console gamers like myself and thats why the wii is wonderfull imho
Definitly agree. Last console system I bought was a Nintendo64 which to this day still has one of the greatest console FPS, Goldeneye. It may not have had super realistic graphics, but that game was FUN, and I expect the same type of FUN from the Wii.

Along the same line as your Quake comparison, Doom 3 vs Original Doom(1&2). Of the two the only one I play on a regular basis is the Original Doom, and if I am playing Doom 3, its with the Classic Doom Mod running!

The Wii will definitly be my first console purchase as well since the N64 and I know many people that are in this same group. BRING BACK FUN!
UnseenMenace said:
however I believe this console may take a bigger share of the market than people believe

I have the same feeling. For some reason I think the Wii is the underdog that is going to surprise people. The system that brings fun back to playing and offers new ideas. I like eye candy like any other game player, but at the same time I like games to be fun and enjoyable, keep my interest for a long time. My last console purchase didn't do that, the Xbox (also had the GC and PS2 at one time).

One thing that most people also know, you can gripe about graphics and whatnot as much as you like, but we all know that Nintendo has done some amazing things graphically with so little compared to others systems, like Resident Evil 4, the cell shading in Zelda Wind Waker, etc.

Although I'm not going to purchase a system as of yet, I do think the Wii will be MY next gen system.
You are exactly the type of person Nintendo is aiming at, Unseen. The more casual gamer. It's also for this reason why Nintendo is, I think, going to do very well this generation.

Will they be in first place in two years? No. But they will be profitable.

I'm also glad to see yet another person who thinks that Deathmatch achieved it's pinnacle in 1999. I'm still a big fan of Quake 3 myself ;)
Hey I'm just lookiing forward to being able to download the old classics and have my kid enjoy them. Ton of SNES games I would like to play again.
UnseenMenace said:
I know that super-whoopee-doo-graphics, HDMI inputs and WTF outputs of the XBox360 and PS3 consoles with specifications that sound like 'M' from the James Bond movies designed them impress a great deal of people.
I know for a fact that the PS3 fanboys had great satisfaction at the PSU issues of the Xbox and likewise the Xbox fanboys are rejoicing now at reports of stillborn PS3's.
I know for a fact that the most correct thing I have heard during this recent round of the console war is what I currently have in my signature, the quote from Oni

However there is another console often looked at as being less of a threat which is why I believe the fanboys who have made an alternative purchase do attack it and that is the Wii... however I believe this console may take a bigger share of the market than people believe because of people such as myself.
The last console I brought with the thought of using it as a console was a N64 as after this the games just appeared to get more impressive graphically however from my perspective the gaming expierience did not evolve greatly.
Currently im still a big fan of and am playing online a multiplayer game released December 2, 1999.... This game is Quake3 Arena... I also own Quake4 but ultimately its not as playable, as enjoyable as its older relative... you can state that I am wrong yet I am not the only person who feels this way as there are many people still playing it, even after all these years...
The PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Xbox360, PS3 have never displayed anything to interest me enough to make me want to know of the specifications, let alone want one, even for 100 bucks... yet the wii does, it looks very interesting, great fun, its new and exciting and I am about to buy the first console I have in years, many other people I have spoken to are doing the same.

Perhaps Nintendo have a market that Sony and Microsoft have not tapped into, perhaps Nintendo are reaching non-console gamers like myself and thats why the wii is wonderfull imho

Wow, no console interests a Nintendo fanboy other than the Wii.

Shock of shocks.

Thanks for sharing:)
He's not a nintendo fanboy, he never bought a GC :).

See, I would grab a Wii soon, except for minor issues... 1 being that I do not have a TV to play it on, and I need to get a Viewsonic N4 or N6 just to play the darned thing..
Like they keep saying, its the casual gamer that holds all the money, and it is the smartest to aim their marketing strategy at that crowd. And Nintendo has done just that :D
I just cant wrap my head around the concept of that controller.

I really dont feel like having to be moving the thing up and down left and right in big motions just to move something. also i fail to see it being good in fps or any other games where you really need arrows and stuff.

idk im just so use to the button controllers like the sixaxis from ps3 or whatever crap xbox360 used

now im not againist nintendo. i LOVE the nintendo ds but i just dont see that controller gaining ground.

I BELIEVE nintendo did this so fat/lazy kids would have to exercise in order to play games. lmao
Zatrix said:
I just cant wrap my head around the concept of that controller.

I really dont feel like having to be moving the thing up and down left and right in big motions just to move something. also i fail to see it being good in fps or any other games where you really need arrows and stuff.

idk im just so use to the button controllers like the sixaxis from ps3 or whatever crap xbox360 used

now im not againist nintendo. i LOVE the nintendo ds but i just dont see that controller gaining ground.

I BELIEVE nintendo did this so fat/lazy kids would have to exercise in order to play games. lmao


After playing pocket PC games for a long time I didn't think the touch screen would turn out all the great either.

Man was i wrong.

The Wiimote seems to have a lot of potential if they keep it simple to use.
Zatrix said:
I just cant wrap my head around the concept of that controller.

I really dont feel like having to be moving the thing up and down left and right in big motions just to move something. also i fail to see it being good in fps or any other games where you really need arrows and stuff.

idk im just so use to the button controllers like the sixaxis from ps3 or whatever crap xbox360 used

now im not againist nintendo. i LOVE the nintendo ds but i just dont see that controller gaining ground.

I BELIEVE nintendo did this so fat/lazy kids would have to exercise in order to play games. lmao

honestly, all the rumors/thoughts on waving your arms like a mad-man were just hype, and marketing. most of the time, you only need to flick your wrist to get a game to do what you want it to.

Move your mouse, do you have to move your entire hand/mouse the entire length of your monitor to get the pointer from one side to the other? No. you only have to move your hand/wrist a few inches in any direction. same with the wii-mote.

FPS/shooting games should work farily well. i mean...you aim at the screen, wherever your aiming, is where you shoot...i don't understand how thats a bad thing.

And yes, i too think this is a giant conspiracy for nintendo to try to slim down america's fat kids. heh. Though, some games, like the wii boxing game...oi, that game can tire your arms out! though, its not too bad though. at it has people doing more than sitting on their butts, moving nothing but their thumbs. heh.
OC Noob said:

After playing pocket PC games for a long time I didn't think the touch screen would turn out all the great either.

Man was i wrong.

The Wiimote seems to have a lot of potential if they keep it simple to use.

yeah, i remember there being a huge up-roar of people saying that the DS's touch screen was a giant gimmic, and was useless, and will fail miserably.

When i was in line to get my wii at walmart, me, and 4 other people were playing on a DS. Mind you, there were 20 people in line. ( 20 units at my specific walmart ). thats a quarter of the entire line. All playing what people called a joke, and pointless.

nintendo showed that they can make a success out of some stuff that alot of people view as " gimmicky/cheap/pointless". They did it before, now to just see how they plan on doing it again.
so far, my controllers are still working after a bit of abuse by my mom. heh.

she was playing tennis and bowling, and she constantly hit the wii-mote on the arm of my chair pretty hard. she did this probably like 5 times. She also would swing too much, and she smaked my monitor a few times with the wii-mote as well. ( don't worry, the monitor is just fine ). heh.

And last night, while playing tennis, i swung my wii-mote, and accidently hit my friends wii-mote that was in his hand next to me. and i hit the thing pretty hard too.

there wasn't a scratch/scuff/dent or anything. and the controllers have been working perfectly.

oh, and my g/f cracked me in the head with the wii-mote as well, while playing tennis. and the controller is still fine.

though, i have yet to drop it......on the floor. i was playing the boxing game with a friend, and due to the fact that my hands sweat kinda badly, while punching, the wii-mote flew out of my hand. thank GOD i have the strap around my wrist, because the remote would have went flying, and would have probably hit the tv, or the desk the TV was on, and then fallen about 4 feet onto a concrete floor that has tile on it ( aka, HARD floor, no carpet )


though, i'm willing to bet money that if dropped from even 4 feet off the ground, the controller would still work just fine, as it IS a nintendo product, and breaking nintendo products isn't exactly an easy task.
zexmarquies01 said:
so far, my controllers are still working after a bit of abuse by my mom. heh.

she was playing tennis and bowling, and she constantly hit the wii-mote on the arm of my chair pretty hard. she did this probably like 5 times. She also would swing too much, and she smaked my monitor a few times with the wii-mote as well. ( don't worry, the monitor is just fine ). heh.

And last night, while playing tennis, i swung my wii-mote, and accidently hit my friends wii-mote that was in his hand next to me. and i hit the thing pretty hard too.

there wasn't a scratch/scuff/dent or anything. and the controllers have been working perfectly.

oh, and my g/f cracked me in the head with the wii-mote as well, while playing tennis. and the controller is still fine.

though, i have yet to drop it......on the floor. i was playing the boxing game with a friend, and due to the fact that my hands sweat kinda badly, while punching, the wii-mote flew out of my hand. thank GOD i have the strap around my wrist, because the remote would have went flying, and would have probably hit the tv, or the desk the TV was on, and then fallen about 4 feet onto a concrete floor that has tile on it ( aka, HARD floor, no carpet )


though, i'm willing to bet money that if dropped from even 4 feet off the ground, the controller would still work just fine, as it IS a nintendo product, and breaking nintendo products isn't exactly an easy task.
My hands sweat when playing a console too, its so weird :(
The question is are there enough casual gamers out there after Xbox and PS have dominated the market?

Nintendo can do all the innovation to the controller or anything else they want, but they will never be successful unless they tap into mature gamers market and that's where all the money is these days.

They can sell million of consoles in a first year but they just can't compete with games like Halo, Gears of War, Metal Gear Solid, GTA...

I heard you guys mention how graphics don't matter and they don't make a good game, but ever since Wii came out everyone is complaining how bad the graphics are :shrug:

Nintendos faith is in their controller!
SunRedRX7 said:
Definitly agree. Last console system I bought was a Nintendo64 which to this day still has one of the greatest console FPS, Goldeneye. It may not have had super realistic graphics, but that game was FUN, and I expect the same type of FUN from the Wii.

I just bough a used n64 off ebay for $40 - goldeneye, 4 controllers, the works!

ilove it and why i am buying a Wii! you know they have to bring out goldeeye for the wii with online play!!!!!!!!!!
zexmarquies01 said:
so far, my controllers are still working after a bit of abuse by my mom. heh.

she was playing tennis and bowling, and she constantly hit the wii-mote on the arm of my chair pretty hard. she did this probably like 5 times. She also would swing too much, and she smaked my monitor a few times with the wii-mote as well. ( don't worry, the monitor is just fine ). heh.

And last night, while playing tennis, i swung my wii-mote, and accidently hit my friends wii-mote that was in his hand next to me. and i hit the thing pretty hard too.

there wasn't a scratch/scuff/dent or anything. and the controllers have been working perfectly.

oh, and my g/f cracked me in the head with the wii-mote as well, while playing tennis. and the controller is still fine.

though, i have yet to drop it......on the floor. i was playing the boxing game with a friend, and due to the fact that my hands sweat kinda badly, while punching, the wii-mote flew out of my hand. thank GOD i have the strap around my wrist, because the remote would have went flying, and would have probably hit the tv, or the desk the TV was on, and then fallen about 4 feet onto a concrete floor that has tile on it ( aka, HARD floor, no carpet )


though, i'm willing to bet money that if dropped from even 4 feet off the ground, the controller would still work just fine, as it IS a nintendo product, and breaking nintendo products isn't exactly an easy task.

zex you are my new hero sir. i've managed to keep from dropping mine or send it flying through the tv (hardwood floors for me, lol). haven't gotten my mom or dad to try the Wii yet, but my dad has watched. i'm pretty sure he'll try his hand at the golf game soon. he'll prolly play Zelda: TP or Zelda I when we get it from the VC. my g/f was playing bowling last night and I had to dodge a few swipes at first myself. The best thing about a wireless controller is it doesn't freaking get tangled up with the others or have people trip over it, bringing the controller (and sometimes the console itself!) crashing to the floor. this is also good if you have pets, i can't tell you how many times my dogs have pulled my controllers to the ground while trying to walk through. all in all the controller was an awesomely innovative idea, as well as the console itself :)
Today, my dad and his girlfriend arrived at my apartment. My dad needed some paperwork done, and they wanted to chill out for a bit. So I fired up my Wii.

Within 10 minutes, my dad's girlfriend had the Mii creator figured out and was flying through the menus. Shortly thereafter, my father was doing the same.

Then, it was time for some Wiisports Bowling. Seeing as it's not Shabas, I chose Walter, and her and I threw down. I ended up winning, but she had an absolute blast. Then it was on to Wiisports Tennis. My dad picked this one up pretty quickly, and got pretty good relatively quickly. They both got really into it, and both had a blast.

I can count the number of times my father has played a video game on one hand, and have fingers to spare. He thought this was the coolest game he's ever played in the history of forever. It was easy, intuitive and fun. That's just what drew him to it after I showed him the basics.

It was interesting.