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Why USPS is better than UPS

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Jan 4, 2002
Southern USA
I made two orders last Thursday in the wee hours of the morning. One from SVC and the other from CoolerGuys. Both processed the orders extremely quickly and had the orders out within an hour of each other. The scan-ins at both the USPS office and UPS were just early enough for the first truck on Thursday. Amazing! I thought I was actually going to get that 3-day delivery I paid for.

Both were shipped out fast...lightning fast, on the first truck. Every two or three hours I could update my package transit, and I'd be able to see where it was. Very nice.

The UPS shipment had to come from Washington (WA), and was flown down to Kentucky. The next morning, when I checked on this, I thought: Great! It's almost here! It'd only be a short hop or two to Little Rock from Kentucky...haha.

Friday night: the package is reported to be in Dallas, Texas. Alright, I thought, they just had to fly it to a bigger distribution center. It'll be here tomorrow -right on time for 3-day.

The next day: I didn't check until 9 in the evening. I had been anticipating my new fan and Zalman chipset cooler for a while. YES!!! They're finally coming! When I checked the status of my undelivered package of "1 lb" I noticed that it was still in Dallas. Maybe there was an off-day I didn't know about?

Sunday: I don't think they deliver Sundays, so I didn't expect my shipment, but mysteriously enough, the website for UPS reported my package was back in Kentucky, at the same facility where it had been before.

Monday: My SVC shipment came in with the round cables and fan guards and AS3 and lots and lots of other neat little things. Still no UPS.

Tuesday: This morning, I got up and checked, and it was shipped out of KY late last night and arrived here in Little Rock around 1 in the morning. Hopefully, while I'm out today, I can go pick it up from them. It would be just my luck that they won't deliver without confirmation of signiature...and I'm not home.

What have I learned from all this? My USPS shipment cost me about $5.50 for 3-day. UPS cost me $11. UPS still isn't here, and this is the fifth day. Granted, those shipping rates are from two different companies, and I did order a shipment that would be shipping through a weekend.

The thing that gets me to think that USPS is better, is the fact that this is not the first time it's happened. The last time I ordered from SVC, the shipment arrived a day earlier than I expected. When I ordered a computer from CyberPower (which sent me a bad mobo that wouldn't do over 100x2FSB and then wouldn't take it back) they sent it UPS and it took two weeks after they shipped it regular ground to get here.

I have been very VERY happy with SVC and the United States Postal Service. I highly recommend using both to anyone out there who wants to get it done right.

As for UPS, they can still be redeemed, but I, for one, am going to ship USPS whenever possible.
Alright. I just checked my order status again...it's back in Kentucky. What's going on here? I'm giving UPS a call. Since it just got to KY, it'll be at least one more day before I get the stuff.

One more strike...
Here's the deal: I called the UPS toll free number and talked to a service rep. He told me that the package was indeed shipped back to Kentucky and that this was just a mishap that happens from time to time. He said that it would be further delayed also, and that I probably won't get it until Thursday. That's one week exactly from the date it was received by UPS. He said that it is possible the package was not properly labeled to be a 3-day shipment, and that this may have confused workers. We'll see.

That makes one shipment that was a week late, and one that is one week to deliver, when it should have been 3 days.

I'll post back when I get it.
When I ordered some stuff from SVC, I sprung for "Priority" shipping via USPS (2-3 days). I ordered on a friday, didn't get it until the next saturday.

USPS definately has their moments, but I never have any luck with them.
USPS doesn't play kickball with your packages like UPS

Just an example, About two weeks ago I got package from UPS and the delivery guy is pretty cool, he knocks and I open the door and he says, "Sam you expecting anything fragile?"

I told him no, so he then laughs and shows me my package that had tire tracks from a forklift.....I have to laugh because UPS is inept as this happens to me all the time.
We us UPS alot at work and I have had problems with them from time to time but over all there ok to deal with.

Alot of UPS problems come from packages that are not packed as they should or are not labled as oversize. If you have ever been in one of there sorting builds you would be amazed how anything gets where it belongs without haveing it smashed into little bits.

With that being said UPS does have some problems. Insurance is most often a scam with them. The problem is a UPS adjuster has to look at the package. Most the time they tell you the package was not packed proper and as such they are not responsable for the damage. I had this happen on a $5,000 package. Because I know the local rep I was able to get them to pay on the clam as they should have. But if you dont know the proper poeple you could very well be left out in the cold.

So with that being said if you are shipping anything that can get broken and cost so much as you get insurance on it be sure you double box the shippment. And to do that proper you have to have packing most often packing popcorn around the inside box.

This is true with any shipper we have used they all tend to try and deny your clams. So you have to fight with them so be ready and pack things well.
I really hate the fact that UPS will only come to my house around 10 am on a weekday when no one is there. Now if a signature isn't required, no big deal. When a signature is required, I end up having to work around *their* schedule and beg my boss to leave work early so I can get to the distribution center (which is way out of my way) before they close to sign for a package that contains two little bitty neon lights.
Shipping places do weird things. A few weeks ago Fed-EX sent a package from north of me, past me to LA, then back to me. I think they did it so I wouldn't get a next-day package for 3-day fare. I wouldn't pay extra for USPS (which is really only cheaper for low weight packages) 2-3 Express. One, it's not guaranteed (you can usually get your money back from Fed-EX, UPS if you miss a guaranteed shipment). Plus, a study just got released that showed regular ground shipments by USPS was just as likely to get there faster as Express (not a knock on the USPS, just suggesting you save your money).
The package made it today. I called up again and asked them what was going on. This time, the rep apparently did something to make the shipment move fast. 6 hours later, it was at my door. All the way from KY. They must have put it on a plane for me.

The first rep suggested (I don't know if I mentioned this) that the mailer had not properly labeled the package. It is properly labeled...in four places.

I found some things I want from NexFan, but they only ship UPS. If I end up placing that order, UPS will have another shot at future customer loyalty from Aaron. Right now, I'm still swayed toward FedEx and USPS. We'll see how this one goes.
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i must say i also am quite impressed with shipping by SVCompucycle and the USPS, newegg is also extremely good when paired with their Fedex shipments....most of the third classe companies which charge you 15$ shipping use UPS and it ALWAYS takes a week...
I placed an order at nexfan today. I e-mailed about shipping charges for USPS priority and within (I don't exaggerate) 5 minutes I had a reply. Really, five minutes!

I got a shipping quote and, for my order, USPS priority mailing was $0.54 cheaper than UPS ground shipping on the same package.

Josh, the nexfan rep who replied, basically did everything for me. He told me what to write in the description after the order and handled getting it to USPS extremely quickly. My order was processed and confirmed (prepared for shipment) within 6 hours. If all goes well, USPS will have it to me early next week.

If NexFan comes through on this, they get high marks too.
Murgen said:
They are also better as they don't rip you off on brokerage charges!

I hear ya Murgen!

Us poor sucks up in Canada have to pay UPS 30 friggin bucks!!!!! for customs clearance, and 3 times out of 5 they have gone and got the taxes overcharged on me. I hate brown.

Also hate their time guarantees, with me, they've held them to the hour, but when you're waiting for something, and it could only come on the 5 day service, and by the tracking info it got to the local depot within 36 hours of ordering, and there's a weekend in the way too, and they just HOLD it there until the 5 days is up, that sucks!!!!

I will not buy from anywhere that only ships UPS now. It only took me 3 deliveries to decide that, then once I forgot to check shipping and it came UPS, aaargh, and the last time I was extremely ****ed, got a $15 item off eBay, and specified USPS, then the seller though he was doing me a favour by throwing in 50c to "upgrade" me to UPS shipping, damn that annoyed me, ended up paying damn near $70 for a $15 item, he also thought he was being helpful by paying the insurance, and because the insurance was $100, he marked up the value on the customs label to $100 too. I've had that problem a couple of times, not UPS's fault, but they add insult to injury.

FedEx I have been happy with so far, and when ordering from www.outpost.com they seem to use a network of smaller couriers that is very fast, efficient and cheap. They got 2 17inch monitors to me in 3 days in perfect condition.

USPS might have lost a package on me once, I'm not really sure. An item I bought from eBay didn't arrive, but the seller apologised profusely and refunded my money, so I dunno whether it got lost and the guy thought the money was nothing to protect his rating, or whther he forgot to send it or what.

Anyway, in general I've been happy with everyone else but UPS.

Road Warrior
I must agree with Aaron here as I'm a supporter of Fed EX & UPS.

I have made orders late in the day going towards night when a place would be closing, somehow get it the next day from Fed Ex on the west coast & mind you I'm in the east coast. If that was UPS, that would never happen.

Hell when I ordered my Millenium Glaciator to build my first rig, which I'm proud to say was a success after I got 2 replacement parts, I ordered it & it was to come in 3-4 days via UPS, it came the next day via UPS to my surprise as when I was at my window I saw the driver coming so I threw some clothes on to open the door, no need to even do that, he took the package & threw it towards my door & I heard a loud bang. I ran to go give him a piece of my mind but he scooted out of there so fast. On a side note when I ordered the HSF, it came from CT & I was in NY hence the next day shipping thing.

I never had my packages disrespected like that from the USPS or Fed EX & I now know the regulars who deliver packages on the Fed EX route & my local mail carrier so they always look out for me which is super nice.

Screw brown!
That's the man, Joe Satriani. The clip you're seeing is from the G3 Concert performance of "Flying in a Blue Dream." He is a soloist with a backup band that includes the amazing Stu Hamm on bass guitar. He's not much to look at (Stu) but when he plays those wild bass solos, WOW! He goes from classical excerpts to bluegrass to funk-slap to everything else in the whole world. Finger-tapping on a fender bass on 3 different strings is most impressive. Joe Satriani is my favorite guitar player, I think. The Edge (from U2) is my next favorite, and I have an avatar for him that I really like, but I haven't used it yet.

Thanks for all this backup on the UPS thing. Maybe someone up there will get a hint. Come on Brown, get it together!
My experience with UPS is that they're generally slower to ship, more expensive than USPS; While it's not happened with me, for the most part, I've heard horror stories to the effect that if you shipped a rock via UPS, they'll find a way to break it.