ivYou didnt loose your data (unless you encrypted the data and didnt make a repair disk)... you have a problem booting windows...
Did you try to respond to that thread? Sounds like that guy knew what he was talking about.
You can buy a new HD, unplug your old HD... Install Windows on the new drive. Re-plug in the old drive. Then make sure the bios boot order goes to the new Windows installation. Then recover your files/format.
The real problem isnt RAID, for that doesnt protect you from these issues. With RAID you will have two copies of corrupted Windows. It also doesnt protect from Viruses, Lightning, PSU failure, CPU failure, Software Crashes, and other bad things... Thats why everyone says BACKUP!
RAID is for thoose who want A) more speed, or B) quick/reduced downtime from HD crash. Every IT guy who runs large servers with multiple RAID arrays will also back up to an external file source EVERY NIGHT. They will also move a portion of these backups to another location in case of fire.
Factoid: IBM sells data storage services that allows businesses to store their backups in places (Large SALT MINES) that will be safe from volcano's, earth quakes, floods, nucular attacks, etc.
One more thing... We got to stop people from beleiving that RAID will protect people from data loss. However, there are so many reasons for data loss that RAID wont protect you from.