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Windows XP doesn't see RAID 0 drives

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Oct 24, 2002
The Dark Side of the Moon
Hi all. Just got around to upgrading my main rig (1700+ @ 2.5GHz) to an unlocked 2500+. This is my main rig:

2500+ cpu
Thermalright SP 97 h/s
Abit NF7-S rev 2 mobo
2 36gig WD Raptors in Serial ATA RAID 0
1 120gig WD JB hdd
1 gig Mushkin Black Leavel 2 ram
480 watt Antec True Blue psu
Asus 128 mb VIVO graphics card
Windows XP Pro

The problem that I'm haveing is that when I rebootedinto Windows after the upgrade, I got an error message saying that Windows couldn't start due to a hardware config. problem. Then I tryed unhooking the 120gig hdd. And got a disk failure message. For some reason Windows isn't seeing the Raptors in the RAID 0 config. Because when I tryed to just reinstall Windows (and I did press F6 in time so as to be able to load the RAID drivers from floppy disk dureinig the installation) I left the 120gig hdd unhooked, and keept the duel Raptors hooked up. I just don't understand how that by just changing cpu's that Windows can no longer see the RAID setup. Perhaps I'm missing something. But it would seam that either the Raptors both just suddenly died :( or for some reason my mobo just lost the ability to support RAID, or read off the Serial ports used for the Raptors. Any help or sugestions appreciated. Thanks.

Forgive me. I've gotten so busy the last few days I hadden't checked to see if anyone had replied to my post. I had to have rotator cuff surgery Friday & was trying to fit everything into too small of a time frame. No I didn't change any of the bios settings. I really wanted to resolve the issue and fix the problem before my surgery, but with all the other loose ends that needed taken care of, I just ran out of time. I had just presumed that this cpu switch would be ordinary & uncomplicated as they usually are. Boy was I wrong! I'll be "one armed" for the next 4 - 6 weeks now (just call me "Lefty Ducker"). So I've kind of got that whole thing on hold. Luckily for me I had another hdd to use as a spare for now. All while my poor Raptors just sit unplugged in my case. Hopefully this whole thing is just some cruel windows issue. But I may have a dead Raptor(s) or mobo. Asides from windows (or for that matter Partition Magic either) not "seeing" the Raptors, everything works just fine.
I've had a lot of trouble with my PCI SATA and IDE controllers, and if the proper drivers aren't there, some funny things can happen... You could try updating drivers to see if maybe they got fubared somewhere. :-/
after i upgraded my old box to what's in my sig i had to unplug all HDD's from my ide channels and go into my bios to select SCSI as my first boot device (it's my 2x80 gig maxtors) and make sure my SCSI/SATA option was set to SATA. After changing from my air-cooled 2100+@stock back to my 1700@2200 on H2O i had to go through and redo all the setting in my bios for smoe reason. i dunno why, but it works now, and i've been stable since. g/l
ps, ducker, what voltage do you have your processor at? (the1700@2500MHz??)