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Would appreciate some suggestions on a new CPU MB combo

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but I think I have to keep in mind how much room I will have on the MB at the CPU socket, the MB has heatsinks on 3 sides of the CPU socket.
You don't have to worry about that. Intel/AMD has requirements/specs for heatsink and motherboard mfg to follow. If it says it fits LGA1700/1700, it will fit on the motherboard regardless of the VRM heatsinks (the ones around the CPU socket). There are larger VRM heatsinks on the more expensive boards which generally use even bigger heatsinks (for higher end CPUs and overclocking) so.... not to worry.

2 fan units will fit just fine in the air 540. Most of these you can adjust the fan on the heatsink a bit to fit. Also, don't get some tall *** ram, lol. Just buy some normal vengeance or something... look at the dimension of them when you look them up to see. ;)

You don't give reaction points. Hit "like" on whatever post you want to leave an emote/smiley on...

Now, it's off to the bar. lol.
For your purposes it my not matter, but windows 11 is better suited to handle that processor.
I won't be upgrading to Win 11 until Win 10 is getting close to not being supportany any longer so I will be setup for the upgrade when that time comess. Thanks for the info
I will be ordering my parts this week sometime and Just wanted to do a final check to see if everything I have chosen will work good together. I know it was suggested since I am replacing all there system parts it might be a good idea to change out the PSU since it is 5 years old and I thought I read a reply about looking for a faster RAM than I chose and I know EarthDog had said something about finding a low profile memory.

So just so you guys don't have to go through all the posts again here are the parts I am looking at buying. If anyone new seeing this and wants to give some input keep in mind I am VERY loyal to Asus and Intel and Corsair for brands.




I am considering getting a new PSU since it is as old as the MB and CPU the one I am looking at is this one.

I also read somewhere in this thread about getting a faster memory than the one I picked out. I looked at same memory but 6000 rather than the 5600 I have selected. Is it going to make a big difference in performance going up to the 6000?? it's about $35-$40 more than the 5600 So I would like some adivce concerning the PSU I picked out and if the memory I chose. If I buy the new PSU for $99 I'd like to save that $40 that I would spend going up to the 6000 memory unless it will make a big difference.

Any thoughts about everything I just posted?? I am about to make the purchase this week and want to get everything finalized in my head.

Thanks for all your help
I won't be upgrading to Win 11 until Win 10 is getting close to not being supportany any longer so I will be setup for the upgrade when that time comess. Thanks for the info
I get it, I've been trying to avoid 11 as much as possible. I just wanted to make sure you were awae, the new CPU has 2 kinds of cores and 11 will do a better job of sending a given thread to the appropriate core.

re Memory: yes you can just change the speed for the same Corsair memory. I'll let ED or others speak about the benefits, as I'm not hands on with DDR5 yet. I would also suggest looking for benchmarks to see how big of an impact it can make.

On one hand it is likely a small difference. On the other hand, I think the idea is of you're going to go to the point of getting an I7 you might as well spend a few extra bucks to get something that is optimal.

The RMx is a great PSU. As ED mentioned, 750w is more than you need, but the unit you selected is great and comes with a 10 year warranty. If your comfortable hooking all your new hardware up to a PSU that is out of warranty, that's fine, it will probably be fine for years and it will probably not damage any hardware if/when it goes. The CX is not a scary unit, just not as robust as many. But if you want to do this upgrade and not have to worry about for fuss with the computer for years, I would go ahead and swap it out.
When I build a new and improved system everything is replaced even the case, most times. Your starting with new so it removes "most" of the guesswork when things take a :poop: That's just my old azz opinion. I try to buy the best parts that I can afford at that time.
When looking for a cooler I am finding that the Asus Z690-A makes many if not all coolers not fit due to the Asus Z690-A heatsinks. Which sucks becasue I placed my order yesterday so I am in the process of trying to cancel me order at amazon. If I can't cancel I will be returning everything until I can findnout for 100% which cooler willl fit the MB, So damn disappointed
When looking for a cooler I am finding that the Asus Z690-A makes many if not all coolers not fit due to the Asus Z690-A heatsinks. Which sucks becasue I placed my order yesterday so I am in the process of trying to cancel me order at amazon. If I can't cancel I will be returning everything until I can findnout for 100% which cooler willl fit the MB, So damn disappointed
...we already mentioned you're ok.. you read post 81 righT?

What cooler did you get?

Again, anything that says LGA1700 on it is compatible with your motherboard as that is the new socket. It's a slightly different configuration than your socket holes. But again........any cooler that says LGA1700 compatible WILL WORK. :)
...we already mentioned you're ok.. you read post 81 righT?

What cooler did you get?

Again, anything that says LGA1700 on it is compatible with your motherboard as that is the new socket. It's a slightly different configuration than your socket holes. But again........any cooler that says LGA1700 compatible WILL WORK. :)
yes I read post #81, I hear that you say it will work form the specs BUT I googled Asus Z690-A and best cooler and I saw many posts that said they had to cut parts of the heatsink on the MB to make the cooler they picked which is like the one I am going to pick. I haven't picked one yet I want to talk to Thermaright tech support first. NOT doubting you EarthDog but people with this exact MB have posted problems with the coolers fitting and not just one person several??? very confused

It doesn't look like TR has released a compatibility list yet. While it is a little more expensive, Noctua has a list here: https://ncc.noctua.at/motherboards/model/ASUS-Prime-Z690-A-5380 and you can know that this cooler will fit: https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NH-U12S-Performance-Cooler-redux-1700/dp/B08WPDD6GD/

Here is another known compatible cooler https://www.amazon.com/quiet-BK024-Cooler-Compact-Construction/dp/B07R5TQQMR
It doesn't look like TR has released a compatibility list yet. While it is a little more expensive, Noctua has a list here: https://ncc.noctua.at/motherboards/model/ASUS-Prime-Z690-A-5380 and you can know that this cooler will fit: https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-NH-U12S-Performance-Cooler-redux-1700/dp/B08WPDD6GD/

Here is another known compatible cooler https://www.amazon.com/quiet-BK024-Cooler-Compact-Construction/dp/B07R5TQQMR
Thank you very much, I am still trying to find somone who built a system using the Z690-A MB and see what cooler they used and if it fit without any issues. Also still waiting to hear abck from Thermaright. I see the charts but would feel better knowing that someone tested it and can say for 100% the fit without hitting the RAM or heatsinks. I know the link with the chart say someof the coolers fit and EarthDog has said without doubt it will fit BUT I wnat to hear from someone who has used the products in a build rather than rely on specs in charts..... Before anyone says it I know, they test them before making the charts........lol

Just would feel better hearing it form someone who built a system. I cancelled the Asus Z690 and PSU but couldn't cancel the CPU and RAM which is okay I will use them even if I have to go with a different brand MB than Asus.

When I built my current system all the specs sheets and charts said the Ultra-90 would fit the Z97-A MB and it fits but is about 1/4" if not close to the RAM without hiting and sits about 1/2" below the RAM so fitting and being tight are 2 diifernt things in my mind/ The with these coolers being close to 160MM high not sure how much room in my case I have I will have ot get a tape measure out and see.

I truely appreciate all the help and time you guys have atken to help me wiht this but I want to triple check before buying the parts again.
Yeah things are more standardized these days but it seems like some coolers originally designed for 1200 are not working with the 1700. I can't tell if these are 1200 coolers (since the board has both 1200 and 1700 holes) or if the updated coolers with the 1700 mounting are also having the issues. As ED said, the socket area is standardized but I guess the Z height of the VRM coolers is not standard, and ASUS really went overboard. The VRM on that board could probably power two 12700k's with that much cooling. Manufacturers have at least listened to consumers after selling bargain bin VRMs for many generations, but this is a bit too extreme IMHO, and it seems like other quality of life features like debug LEDs have gone by the wayside unless you're willing to spend nearly $500. I wish they would just make boards balanced and functional without all the gaudy and gimmicky crap. Having extra VRM and VRM cooling is useless. Having enough (or even a little extra) is a good thing but this is pretty excessive. Sure they want to support CPUs up to 250W
Yeah things are more standardized these days but it seems like some coolers originally designed for 1200 are not working with the 1700. I can't tell if these are 1200 coolers (since the board has both 1200 and 1700 holes) or if the updated coolers with the 1700 mounting are also having the issues. As ED said, the socket area is standardized but I guess the Z height of the VRM coolers is not standard, and ASUS really went overboard. The VRM on that board could probably power two 12700k's with that much cooling. Manufacturers have at least listened to consumers after selling bargain bin VRMs for many generations, but this is a bit too extreme IMHO, and it seems like other quality of life features like debug LEDs have gone by the wayside unless you're willing to spend nearly $500. I wish they would just make boards balanced and functional without all the gaudy and gimmicky crap. Having extra VRM and VRM cooling is useless. Having enough (or even a little extra) is a good thing but this is pretty excessive. Sure they want to support CPUs up to 250W
You said it all.... AMEN!
Curuous...why did you cancel the PSU?

I hear what you're saying too, zer. There are few 'goldilocks' boards out there you aren't paying an arm and a leg for. I find the 4 LED debugs give users enough high level information where the problem is at that most users would be satisfied with it and, frankly, most wouldnt know what to do with the additional detail the 2-character debug provides. While there are plenty of users that have mkre money than sense, it's typically more informed enthusiasts and power users who can utilize that kind of feature.
That case can hold some tall coolers. A quick trip to their site and the Air 540's spec page (love that case, btw.. owned one for years!) says it supports up to 170mm coolers.

Id rock this one (there's white, black, and metal) - https://www.amazon.com/Thermalright-Ultra-120-EX-REV-4/dp/B0BGH179CW/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2T9FQYIPX9QH4

...it's 157mm tall.
The Ultra-90 cooler I have in my current system measures Dimension:L115 x W55 x H139.

The link you gave me doesn't show the cooler you said I "should rock" can you tell me the name, I can't find the same cooler that doesn't come up to $160 as the link says. I contacted Thermalright and thet said I have 58mm of RAM clearence . I'm not sure if the RAM I ordered will fit, you said to get low profile memory. Is the memory I ordered considered "low profile" ? I can't seem to find anything that tells me the height in mm's. Sorry if this post is messed up I started it and deleted the text I started to enter and then hit the back button and for some reason the part of my post ,posted. I edited it to finish it. So sorry if you only got half becasue you read this post right away.
I think that bad boy is out of production hence it costing 8x what it should. It is a 6 pipe design vs the single tower "Assassin" which is only 4. I'm assuming it was more reasonably priced when ED linked it and then one sold or something causing some algorithm to decide it was now worth an arm and both legs.

Here is a budget friendly offering: https://www.amazon.com/Thermalright-Refined-SE-Technology-AX120/dp/B09LHBFPJ6 and here are the measurements for it http://thermalright.com/product/assassin-x-120/ and here is a review video, I've linked to the timestamp reflecting the real world wattage you're likely to see on the 12700k, and offer a reminder that certain all core load circumstances will exceed that and the CPU may struggle with prolonged and intensive multi threaded tasks under a $20 air cooler.
Look up the dimensions...its in the specifications of ALL RAM.
I looked at the specs on Amazon and it's listed as Product Dimension 5.32x0.28x1.38 inches. If I did the convert to mm correct it says 1.38" is 35.052 mm so if I have 58mm as he said the memory I bought should be good to go as far as being low profile enough so the cooler won't hit it.

I looked on Corsair's website and I can't find anything that gives the specs on the sizehowever, it does say,

Low clearance ensures wide compatibility with nearly any DDR5 build.

As I posted above the tech support from Thermalright said, I checked and I have at least 1" from current cooler to side panel if not a bit more .

RAM height permitted is 58mm, if your case is large enough, the fan could be lifted a bit to allow higher RAM in.

Best regards,

Reno | Sales Manager


also said this about a cooler for the Asus Z690-A, The links they sent me don't work for me so I am looking up the names on Amazon.


You may try below two model, both of them are LGA1700 supported.



Best regards,

Reno | Sales Manager


Any pros and cons on the 2 he recommended??

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Here is a budget friendly offering: https://www.amazon.com/Thermalright-Refined-SE-Technology-AX120/dp/B09LHBFPJ6 and here are the measurements for it http://thermalright.com/product/assassin-x-120/ and here is a review video, I've linked to the timestamp reflecting the real world wattage you're likely to see on the 12700k, and offer a reminder that certain all core load circumstances will exceed that and the CPU may struggle with prolonged and intensive multi threaded tasks under a $20 air cooler.
Thanks for the video and the info on that cooler. I hear back from Thermalright and I posted above what I got from them.. your input would be appreciated, that goes for both of you. I do what a good cooler so if I have to spend more then be it.
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looked at the specs on Amazon and it's listed as Product Dimension 5.32x0.28x1.38 inches.
That's A source, but your source is the mfg website to confirm.

They've said what I said earlier, thermalright.