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You wanted it... now its here. 3dmark2k1 Team Site is UP!!!

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Me and Rain are working on the site(well moreso Rain, im not that good with HTML), we'll keep u updated. remember to put a reference to the overclockers.com team in your title on the orb, and publish your results!
we will dominate the top scores there!!!!
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The site is back up again... I swapped mobo's yesterday and had to reformat my HD. The only page I've updated since last month has been the news page... so if you need you score updated check the site to see if the info is correct and if not email me at DON'T EVEN and I'll get it fixed/updated.
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TranceBear said:
The link is dead guys

Yeppers... sorry about that... I was trying out some different fan arrangments... idle temp is 49 right now :clap: I think I'm gonna have to go get the stuff to unlock this baby tomorrow... I need to drop the multiplier down a notch or two.

So anyway... the site will be up and down for the next couple days... still playing with the bios on this thing too :D. If you can't connect give it a little bit and try again. You have my word that within the next 2-3 days it will be up 24/7 ;)

PS... its up now... gonna back down the oc REAL quick and stay up for the night.
I noticed on madonion.com....the top radeon 8500 users with Athlon XP's are all running win 98....

Nice scores...but what's up with 98 being used?

Also ...I'm running XP Home and using the 6043 Drivers....

I know there are now 6052 drivers available....does anyone know which drivers offer the fastest performance with stability?

I decided not to do a "Suicide Run"...if it's not stable..its useless...

Fast ...but useless.

I'll be adding to my score a LOT soon!

I've ordered H20 forthe Vid Card/N-Bridge and CPU and i've done at Volt Mod and Hoot's 5V line trick.

I might even mod my 8500 soon (pencil trick) as if I'm watercooling it surely theres no risk to the card?:confused:
Maximus Nickus said:
I'll be adding to my score a LOT soon!

I've ordered H20 forthe Vid Card/N-Bridge and CPU and i've done at Volt Mod and Hoot's 5V line trick.

I might even mod my 8500 soon (pencil trick) as if I'm watercooling it surely theres no risk to the card?:confused:

might as well get a new case and everything else while you are at it:)

Good luck with the H20 though, hopefully i will be doing the same not too long from now.
]-[itman said:
Rain, check your pm's please ;)

Hey bro... I added that score you pm'd me and then deleted the pm... but I formatted after that and lost everything except the pages that Malakai visited... luckily they were in his IE cache folder... wanna resend it? Pm me or email it to Ditto here to. Thanks bro.
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3dmark suicide issue and win98 OS

Suicide- First off, I totally support choosing not to run suicide benches, as its quality 1st vs speed 2nd that we ultimately are striving for.

I make suicide runs to get up into the top 10 (currently 8th against all XP's and 9th against all cpu's with GF2 class cards- last I checked), if possible, for my vid card/cpu combo. That way others browsing madonion can see that the overclockers.com 3dmark team members have some mad overclocking skills. I just add a disclaimer in the project description, about like this: "This is not an official overclockers.com 3dmark team score due to instability. What good is it if you can't play games with it?"

Best of both worlds IMO... it shows that I can OC my card into the ionosphere, but it also shows that honestly there's no practical point to doing so other than to compete at tweaking.

I do think its nice to compare our own cards and systems, so people in the forums who say, "hey which brand of GF2 or GF3 should I get?" Then they can check out our team's page and look at our 3dmark scores, and the manufacturer of our cards. They can view our basic system specs in our benchmark descriptions, our clock speeds, drivers, card cooling solutions, etc. And the more members we get, the better that would work.

OS- Win 98 does seem to do rather well in 3dmark. I have it dualed on another partition, but haven't even bothered to set it up with drivers and stuff yet. I've about hit the roof of what I can do in win 2k, maybe I'll try win98se next...

Tweak on for the Team!
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published scores

Fellow team members:

Make sure the scores you submit for the site are published projects! I just checked someone's default score on our site, and the project was not published.
Re: published scores

Arkaine23 said:
Fellow team members:

Make sure the scores you submit for the site are published projects! I just checked someone's default score on our site, and the project was not published.

And to solve this problem I need three people... already have one... I need 2 more. These people are going to be admin/mods for the site. They will have full permissions with the editing of the database. The persons will need to know HTML (a little), have an editor (I can help with that), and willingness to do this WELL. Nominate the persons and we'll vote... or something... I dunno.
24HOURS LEFT MUHAHAHAHAH.................... :D

well My bro will help with the programming. All i need is idea's and a layout.. use paint or something... Trust me, he can do it. :)

I just posted a recruitment thread (and I've been shamelessly pimping the team to a few people by PM's), so the new members and scores should start to come in soon. Any editing to that "We challenge you" thread that's needed, guys, let me know your input. Guess we'll need those mods pretty quick if people take up our 3dmark challenge.

I was nominated in another of our threads, and will volunteer if anyone wants to nominate me again. But... and there's always a but... I can only be a casual/part-time mod until my schedule changes in another month or so. Right now, I only get about 2 hours/day on my own computer. I always post from my work's crappy machine, and they'll prosecute me if I download or install anything on it! But by the end of April... I'd also need a short training/figuring-out period and some software, but I'd love to help out.
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you can start emailing me your new scores by around tomorrow or friday.
[email protected]
and arkaine23, good job with the score bit. u been noticing any o/c.com scores on the ORB yet?
Team scores on madonion

I've seen a couple here and there, but I know exactly where to look. My suicide's on the 1st page of Geforce 2 GTS/Pro/Ti with any cpu.

Hey, we should get a counter on the site that totals up the number of 3dmarks for each score category for the entire team! They could be animated so it appears the numbers are rising really fast until they hit the actual totals. Then the counters would pause for a few seconds and repeat the animation again. Ex. 27456 3dmarks and climbing! - animated of course. And I'm envisioning smoke and flames here too... What do you guys think?
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I'll be willing to volunteer...I'll have to brush up on my html, it's been a while. If someone's willing to nominate me ;)