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You wanted it... now its here. 3dmark2k1 Team Site is UP!!!

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god Silver, thats crazy. Good deal. Now Even with a slightly slower card, a few mhz on cpu speed, and 4mhz slower on the fsb, i should be right up there with u. HOW CAN I BREAK 9K!?!?!
new team members

I asked silversinksam to join the team, and he said that he already did. Did his scores get lost during your upgrading Rain? Guess we should tell new members to be patient since we still lack some extra mods to give you and Malakai a hand with updates, and since Dissolved's bro is working on the newer site...
Malakai said:
god Silver, thats crazy. Good deal. Now Even with a slightly slower card, a few mhz on cpu speed, and 4mhz slower on the fsb, i should be right up there with u. HOW CAN I BREAK 9K!?!?!

Go for a pass at about 170 fsb by 10 and see if that won't do the trick. Stiffest bandwidth you can do at that setting. Some of the items make good use of horsepower and others like fsb. Tried real high on the fsb and low with high multiplier. Go with a descent (170) fsb and a descent multiplier. BTW top guy is using a dually setup supposedly so I do not count his score. He did poorly in all but one where he ran like 700 points. Yeah... Check at Madonion on gf3 ti200, 1000 to 2000, all systems. 10g is possible.
i added Arkaine23's disclaimer to my suicide run at 236/472 with my highest 3dmark2001 score http://service.madonion.com/compare?2k1=3116378

but i dont think people see the description on the compare URL...but it does put me in 6th place with all Cellyrons with geforce2 Pro/Tis...though i dont think its really fairfor people with GTSs and Pros to have to be in the same category with the Tis.....oh well...ill just have to kick some Ti arses....

also are there any overclocking utilities that let you oc mhz by mhz without using the Nvidia drivers because NVMAX gives me rundll errors and Rivatuner has no ocing option between 458 and 472 which is a big gap and i thik my stable score could go way higher if it werent for this....

also i think Arkaine's disclaimer for te suicide runs should be posted on the webstie...


Also id be willing to help if you guys need it...
Suicide disclaimer

Yeah there should be a little paragraph about the stability standards on the website that basically says we care about quality and stability over raw score. The point of suicide runs is to take the top ranks on madonion; that's about it.

I also name my suicide score so that people might be able to realize that the card is not very stable at such a massive OC, even if they're not viewing all the extra details.

Ex- Arkaine23's Suicide Score. overclockers.com Team 3dmark

Funnyperson: Try Geforce Tweak Utility or Powerstrip, maybe they'll have the Mhz options you need.
Malakai, give me a link to your last score. Want to see where it's weak. Ten g can be broken and I think I know how to. Need my new stick of ram.
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Silver said:
I take it you like e-mail.:D :D :D

Think your tough? Compete with us! My H20 is yet to arrive....

Well we can't have ppl thinking 8935 is the best I can do!!!
Who knows with H20, I got it to boot at 1.55Ghz with air @2.1V, but quickly turned it off! (60C)


I looked at all CPU's running at 1.4Ghz or below with 8500's and guess what?

I'm at the top! About 5 of mine are in the first 5!!!!!!
I'm even ahead of some Ti4600/4400's when compared against them!!!

Not bad eh? Espicially when I know thers 10K in here!!!

:) :) M_N:) :)
Maximus Nickus said:

Well we can't have ppl thinking 8935 is the best I can do!!!
Who knows with H20, I got it to boot at 1.55Ghz with air @2.1V, but quickly turned it off! (60C)


Just tell me you are a good gladiator, that will suffice.:D
WaTaGuMp said:
Woooooooohooooooooooooooooo squeezed a whole 36 more points running memory at 740.


Personally, I would'nt push the ram too hard. I burned the ram out on my pro card. On the newer cards there is more to be found in the GPU. Back the ram down a hair (fairly safe level) and use hardware, bios and operating system as well as a little tweaking program or two. Just a thought though. I no longer push the ram that hard, now the gpu gets a good work out regularly these days.
Not interested in Geforce 1 scores?

i score 3217 with system in sig and my elsa eraxor x2 @ 140/350
Overload said:
Not interested in Geforce 1 scores?

i score 3217 with system in sig and my elsa eraxor x2 @ 140/350

Are you running 3dmark2000 or 2001/se? I'm adding more cards to the database here shortly. The original geforce's, voodoo series, GF4 series, etc... just waiting on some more system parts to come in... all I need really is some DDR... got the 8kha+ about 10 mins ago :D
That last score was just to see what it would do I run it at 315 core 720 memory. As for the new memory the samsung runs very cool so I could leave it at those settings, but I always play the safe route on my systems thats why they last and run stable.