I think its pretty safe to say that most AMD fans, and even some fanboys, haven’t been too happy with their company lately.
They expect AMD to respond to Intel, and, well, they haven’t been.
Well, there’s going to be an opportunity to hear straight from the horse’s mouth what AMD plans on doing next year.
Go here and you’ll find a link that will get you to the webcast for AMD’s Analyst Day, starting 8 AM EST Thursday.
It’s going to be one long webcast, four hours. They have to say something new and detailed about their plans next year in four hours.
If you haven’t heard one of these before, it probably would be a good learning experience to hear the AMD execs describe what they’re going to do, especially Dirk Meyer, who usually does provide some news.
I know, four hours is a long time, but even if you hear a bit, I think you’ll get a better feel for the company.
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