Website Xbit Labs reports that upcoming Intel chipsets for mainstream desktop processors will implement support for yet-unnamed “Haswell Refresh” CPU and future Broadwell parts. Other information leaked points to the fact that those new chipsets will not support current Haswell processors, thus effectively making the 8-series motherboard a single generation products with no upgrade path.
According to documents found by website VR-Zone, the upcoming silicon from Intel will have slightly different power specifications. Although Z97 and its cutdown little brothers will be using the same socket 1150 as current Z87 boards, those differences in power requirements will make the new boards backwards incompatible with Haswell chips. We can also assume that current 4000-series Core “i” processors won’t be able to run in 9-series motherboards, ultimately sealing all upgrade paths for both processors and motherboards of current generation.
The motherboards based on Intel’s 9-series chipset are expected to support both upcoming “Haswell Refresh” chips that are set to show up in mid-2014, as well as codename Broadwell parts which will likely be released some time in 2015. The new board will feature the new SATA Express interface for data transfers of up to 16Gb/s. Broadwell is also expected to support DDR4 memory.
Source: Xbit Labs
– dostov
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