Editor’s Note: Forum member The_Coolest has announced the release of Core Temp 1.0 RC2, just a few weeks after the Core Temp 1.0 RC1 release. Core Temp RC2 includes many improvements listed in the development change log, and it also has an important bug fix that improves the accuracy of Sandybridge temps. Most exciting however, he’s also launched Core Temp Monitor. It is a simple Android app which supports Android 2.1 and up, coming in a free or a paid version if you’d like to support further development.
Core Temp Monitor allows you to keep an eye on any the systems running Core Temp right from your Android phone or tablet, be it over WiFi or 3G/4G.
After updating to Core Temp 1.0 and installing the CoreTempRemoteServer plugin, you will need to make the necessary configurations to the server and your router/firewall. If you need help there, start a new thread in the Overclockers Cooling subforum and other users of the app will be happy to point you in the right direction.
When this is done, all you need to do is open Core Temp Monitor on your phone or tablet, press on Menu and add a new monitor with the proper configuration.
You can tap on a monitor to either expand or collapse it.
If you tap and hold on a monitor, you get some extra options.
The app is available in two versions, a free “Lite” version and a standard paid version. The free version is limited to monitoring up to two computers and it displays an ad at the top.
This app originally started as a college project, but I saw that it has some potential and can be really useful to others, especially those running F@H and other DC farms.
I know that there are plenty of people who would also love to have this working with their Linux based systems. I think it’s doable and shouldn’t be that difficult, as Linux has lm-sensors and pretty much all of the information Core Temp provides can be retrieved quite easily. I would really like to work with a Linux developer to create a similar “server” side for Linux OS, so if anyone has experience with Linux programming feel free to drop me a line and we’ll talk.
– Arthur Liberman (aka The Coolest)
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