Extreme overclocking legend k|ngp|n is holding a sandy bridge smackdown, 3DMark 2001 style!
The contest is being held at Overclockaholics (OCA). To participate, first you have to register at their forums of course. Then head on over here to download the competition background, which you must use in your screenshots. Valid screenshots will use that background, be at 1280 x 1024 resolution and have the typical HWBot-required items: the benchmark itself with details for all game tests, 2x CPUz windows (one with the CPU tab, the other with the memory tab) and GPUz. After you run the benchmark and have a valid screenshot to submit, stop by this thread at OCA to post it.
Did I mention that there are no hardware limitations? Yep, bench whatever you can get your hands on to score the highest as long as your GPU solution takes up one PCIe x16 slot. Dual GPU cards are ok (i.e. an HD6990, GTX590, etc.). Two separate GPUs (i.e. 2x HD6970, 2x GTX580, etc) are not. The highest two scores win, simple as that.
The best part is the prizes. The first place winner will win four Tek9 Slim GPU pots. FOUR of them!
The runner-up is going to be sitting pretty too. Second place wins a full Dragon F1 Gemini CPU pot kit, complete with slow and fast LN2 bases and the dry ice base!
So get yourself over to OCA and register. Then use whatever you need to use and get to freezing some hardware. Here’s hoping someone from OCF makes off with some new sub-zero gear. Good luck and -most importantly- have fun!
– Jeremy Vaughan (hokiealumnus)
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