The Dr. Frankensteins of the overclocking world have a new subject to work on.
It’s becoming common to seriously overvolt memory, especially in the drive to get over 166+ or indeed 200+MHz memory speed.
Throwing 3 volts or more at an officially rated 2.5V DDR stick is not uncommon in high-speed memory reviews nowadays, much less in the field.
It’s time to ask: Just how safe is this? Does high voltage permanently turn your RAM into Superman, or does Superman turn into Ronald Reagan** after a while? Is this a good thing to do, or should we Just Say No?
So we ask.
For those of you who have been pumping up the voltage on DDR sticks (let’s say 2.8V or more), we have the following questions:
1) What, How Many and How Much? What kind of memory are you using, how many sticks of memory are you using, how much is on each stick, and how much do you have overall?
2) How well did it do before pumping up the voltage?
3) How much voltage are you throwing at it?
4) How long have you (or did you) throw that level of voltage at it?
5) How well did it do with the increased juice?
6) Did it die, and if so, describe the fatality.
Let’s try to get some solid data on this.
**No disrepect meant to the President, but he is the best known victim of that memory-killing disease. We merely use him as a symbol to prevent possible induced silicon memory-killers.
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