I’m a PhD student in fluid mechanics in France (Toulouse con), and this is my waterblock.
Here are the blueprints and AutoCad rendition of the device:
The block is 5*5*1.5 cm pure copper. It has been numerical-machined by a
school engineer, so the final product is exactly as expected.
The main feature of this block is the 1mm thick inner wall along the
middle of the channel; it adds about 2/3 exchange surface over other designs I’ve seen.
In theory, this waterblock should be more efficient than others, but it also
could be overscaled and maybe “useless”. The final waterblock was soldered with stain and tested one week for leaks.
At first, I’ll test it with my C366, since it is rock stable @566 2.1V
and not stable @616.
Second, I’ll get those funny c600 SL4PC and really hope to reach 1.1 or
1.2 Ghz….
I’ll tell you how I do.
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