Overclockers Tech has two new reviews for your reading pleasure.
First up is a review of Coolink’s SWIF2 fans.
In today’s world of hot, heated hardware, there is a product for just about every price zone which can either been seen as an advantage or, to many who are inexperienced with the latest tech churning out by many companies, a huge headache. Trying to find the best value for the money can be challenging even for the avid hardcore techie.
Continue reading the review here.
Next is a review of the Noctua NHU12-P SE2 Premium CPU Cooler.
In the ever advancing world of technology, products – even companies – come and go in an instant. One company, Noctua, that was founded in Austria; through cooperation between the Austrian Rascom Computer distribution Ges.m.b.H and the Taiwanese Kolink International Corporation, seems to be here to stay. After having a hit with their split fan range offering higher airflow (NF-S12) vs higher static pressure (NF-P12), while remaining relatively silent throughout! They have returned with an enhanced version of their NH-U12P, dubbed the NH-U12P SE2 Premium CPU cooler.
So, since the NH-U12P performs comparatively well to other coolers according to various sources on the internet, on paper the NH-U12P SE2 should be an interesting product.
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