P4 Motherboard Test Platform

Updated – Joe

SUMMARY: Update of the P4 Motherboard Test Platform.

As chance would have it, the P4 motherboard I was using as a test platform finally packed it in – exhausted I guess. Serendipity being what it is, a guardian angel sent an Abit AI7 with a Prescott 3.2E SL7E5 my way – does it get better than this?

I checked the mobo out and it works fine – I had to modify the P4 to insert a thermocouple into the IHS, similar to what I had done for the earlier P4 I used. This procedure is straight out of the Intel playbook:


Love my Dremel – I machined a groove into the IHS…


and epoxied a thermocouple into the groove:


The marks you see are accentuated by the strobe and picture angle – I used a razor blade to shave the hardened epoxy flush to the IHS. I did not polish the IHS in any other manner.

I am in the process of running some heatsinks through and will report on results shortly. Based on Intel’s specs, I’ll use 103 watts as the thermal max for this CPU. Note that this new platform will not correspond to results using the previous test bed, so results will be presented in a new table.

Pentium D Test Bed

Similar to the above platform, I modified a Pentium D 805 to imbed a thermocouple in its case top to directly read temps with a digital thermometer. The motherboard used is an Asus P5WD2, both parts supplied by Directron.



The marks you see are accentuated by the strobe and picture angle – I used a razor blade to shave the hardened epoxy flush to the IHS. I did not polish the IHS in any other manner.

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