Today is the day for paraskavedekatriaphobiacs.
As irrational as it is, many people harbor a little phobia here and there. Today is one of the biggies:
Now for be it for me to cast aspersions to those who give some credence to this being a not-so-lucky day. I have to admit that I don’t tempt fate when it comes to today, or even with events centered around the number 13.
For me I will NEVER sit in row 13 on a plane. I know it’s stupid and irrational, but I feel more comfortable in row 12 or 14. Those of us who don’t tempt fate are not exactly alone:
- I have seen buildings where the floors run 12, 12A, 14, or 12 then 14
- Some sailors will not sail on the 13th
- Many cities do not have a 13th Street
- Continental and Alitalia airlines have no row 13 on their planes
- How many players wear 13 on their uniforms?
- The Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi (ca. 1760 BC) omits 13 in its numbered list
- Remember Apollo 13?
Phobias are part of the human condition and are as varied as there are people – a short list from Anxiety, Panic and Health:
- Achluophobia or Scotophobia — Fear of darkness
- Acrophobia — Fear of heights.
- Aichmophobia — Fear of needles or pointed objects.
- Amaxophobia — Fear of riding in a car
- Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia — Fear of spiders
- Aviophobia, Aviatophobia or Pteromerhanophobia — Fear of flying
- Brontophobia, Ceraunophobia or Keraunophobia — Fear of thunder and lightning
- Claustrophobia — Fear of confined spaces
- Cynophobia — Fear of dogs or rabies
- Dermatophobia — Fear of skin lesions or cuts
- Hydrophobia or Potamophobia — Fear of water, rivers or running water
- Ophidiophobia — Fear of snakes
- Hemophobia, Hemaphobia or Hematophobia — Fear of blood
- Insectophobia — Fear of insects
- Kenophobia — Fear of voids or empty spaces
- Lygophobia — Fear of darkness
- Musophobia or Muriphobia — Fear of mice
- Oneirophobia — Fear of dreams
- Pathophobia or Bacteriophobia — Fear of bacteria, germs or disease
- Somniphobia — Fear of sleep
- Spermatophobia or Spermophobia — Fear of germs
- Stenophobia — Fear of narrow things or places
- Triskaidekaphobia or Terdekaphobia — Fear of the number 13
I would add to this list:
- BSODiphobia – Fear of Windows choking
- Linuxophobia – Fear of Linux taking market share from Windows; very common among Microsoft employees
- W7updateiphobia – Fear of having to redo everything to move from XP to Windows 7
- Vistaphobia – Fear of installing an OS and having nothing work right
- Malusdomesticaphobia – Fear of non-Windows OSs
- Fenestraephobia – Fear of Windows OSs
These are relatively new to the scene but in some cases quite debilitating. For an extensive list of phobias see The Phobia List – incredible!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to throw salt over my shoulder while circling a four leaf clover four times.
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