These processors are still very, very light on the ground, but so far, most of them seem to be able to reach 3.2GHz at more or less default voltage.
Again, here’s our forum thread on the subject.
However, not all of them are reaching these levels. I’ve gotten emails about three processors not able to reach 3GHz.
Now it’s not necessarily the processor’s fault if you don’t reach nirvana with these chips. If your system and/or memory can’t handle more than 166MHz (this seems to be the case primarily with RDRAM systems), no CPU in the world is going to fix that.
On the DDR side, what I’m noticing is that a few just won’t change their memory settings to a 1:1 ratio. If you’re trying to run at 180MHz FSB or better with a 4:5 FSB:Memory ratio, that means your memory is running at 225MHz or better. Don’t be surprised if your memory can’t handle that.
The way to test for overclockability of the CPU is to run the system at a 1:1 ratio. Once you’ve figured out what the CPU can do, then futz around with other memory ratios. In all likelihood, you’ll have to slow them down quite a bit to sustain 230 or 240MHz memory speed, even with very good memory.
Per the three processors mentioned above, I wrote and asked about this. Haven’t heard about two of them yet, in the third case, it clearly was the CPU’s fault (another 2.4GHz C1 did much better on the same system).
What is clear is that there isn’t too many of these around, at least not yet. ExcaliberPC is offering SL6EF, and PC Nut offers “C1 stepping” chips, but no one is specifically offering multiple VID CPUs yet.
We’ll continue to watch this.
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