SmillaEnlarger is one of those little tools that can help with enlarging images from not great digital files.
If you have a phone camera, odds are that the images are OK but not great. Things are getting better with some phones featuring resolution in the 4-6 megapixel range, but most are around 2-3 – some even below that. Enlarging digital images from pics such as these exhibits pixelization – the image degrades into something that looks like a mosaic.
As an example, below is a photo I took with an LG phone that takes fairly good images, even though the camera is rated at 2 megapixels:
Now if I take a small piece of this image, you see clearly how it degrades:
Using SmillaEnlarger with minimal processing, I got this:
Don’t expect to change the before image into a high resolution masterpiece, but processing a piece that was magnified about 500% from a fairly low res image results in an image that is acceptable. Considering that this is a freeware program, why not give it a try and see what it can do for you.
After installing the program, you will see this opening screen:
The rest is up to you – play around with the controls and see what they do. There is a Preview button that enables you to test out the changes before saving the file. Files are automatically saved with the same name except an “e” is added at the end. You can, of course, rename the file as you wish. Overall a handy little utility worth checking out.
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