Benching News: sno.lcn Takes Top Spot on the Benching Team!

In a flurry of air cooled i3 mhz, sno.lcn dethrones one of his idols from #1 on the benching team! Top 20 Top 20

Jumping from 3rd to 1st, in one night is no easy task, especially when you’re benching for the elusive Global HWBot points (or boints, as they’re known).  But he did it, using WPrime alone, securing over 38 points with just two benchmarks.

Check out these results:

Intel Core i3 530
Intel Core i3 530
Intel Core i3 530
Intel Core i3 530

Who’s going to strike next?  Will Ross retaliate, will Maxi decide he wants to be #1 again… stay tuned to find out!  I know sno.lcn won’t go down without a fight though, and he’s got something up his sleeve.  Straight from his keyboard just yesterday, “I ordered a new cpu pot last night, hopefully it’ll be here in a few weeks. Then I can start benching like I mean it again.”  Lookout world… someone’s on a mission.

One thing is for sure wouldn’t be the same without sno.lcn.  He is the Extreme Cooling and Benching Team Content Editor and an extremely valuable asset to our benching team.  His experience, insight, and generosity help us all.  Check out his hwbot profile here, and his profile here.  If you want to get to know the benching team and what we’re all about,  Join us!  It’s fun, it’s exciting, and you’re guaranteed to learn your rig is capable of things you never knew… become a member of and join the benching team.

Until next time,


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Avatar of hokiealumnus

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Senior Intel-lectual

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Congrats Jeremy, keep up the good work!

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Avatar of moocow


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Avatar of Khemikal


470 messages 0 likes

Grats on the jump!

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Avatar of mdcomp

Classic Administrator

5,190 messages 17 likes

Congrats Jeremy!

I tweeted you as well (


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Avatar of Deanzo

Benchmarking Senior Member

2,826 messages 0 likes

Great stuff Jeremy :thup:

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Avatar of sno.lcn

Senior2 Member

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TheGoat Eater


53 messages 0 likes

Great job Jeremy, now I just need to talk to you about getting how to get those RAM speeds on the Trinergy :)

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Avatar of sno.lcn

Senior2 Member

5,919 messages 0 likes

If you're talking about on the i3 runs, I have no idea, I haven't been able to replicate it. It was some bugged *** combination of BIOS settings left over from a combination of my i7 860 settings and flashing the new BIOS. After clearing cmos, no more high RMA frequencies.

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