We’ve just gotten word that .13 micron TBreds are showing up among distributors at lower speeds.
Speeds like 1700+/1800+.
Before you start looking up places to order one, first, they aren’t available at resellers yet and may not be for a little while.
Second, these are almost certainly OLD TBreds.
If you look at the AMD technical document for TBreds (pages 21-22), you’ll see that the old TBreds were meant
to occupy a range from the 1700+ to 2200+, while the TBred2s were supposed to start at 2000+.
An old TBred has a CPUID of 680, while a TBred2 has a CPUID of 681.
An old TBred has a CPU code like AIRGA, while a TBred2 today will have a code like AIUCB.
Finally, you’ll probably be doing well to get 2GHz out of an old TBred, while 2.2-2.3GHz is the effective range for the newer ones.
That will still be an improvement over the Palominos it will be replacing, and probably worth waiting a couple weeks for; it’s just not getting the latest and greatest at 65% off.
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