Thermochill TA120.3 Review

The TA series looks to retain the winning aspects of the PA series, and improve or eliminate those quirks/problems many reported with the PA. The primary quirk I did not enjoy was the left over flux that required extensive flushing and rinsing, yet you were not guaranteed to have resolved the problem with flushing… the fluid in your loop after a few weeks was the true verification. We will know more on this matter as we get into testing, so we will have to table it for now.

Before we focus on the TA120.3, how about a family photo of the TA Series…
Thermochill TA Series family photo

Interested in how the performance numbers came out? Read the rest of the review at Skinnee Labs.

About Skinnee Labs 4 Articles
I'm stuck in my basement testing WC gear.

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Avatar of muddocktor


12,975 messages 0 likes

As usual, a very good review, skinnee!:thup:

I'm kind of disappointed in the performance though. I expected to see at least marginally better performance out of the new model as compared to my old PA120.3. And I never found that having the G3/8 thread to be a big handicap myself. The store I bought my PA120.3 from also had G3/8 barbs for sale too. And I wonder if changing from G3/8 to G1/4 threads made the difference in restriction between the 2?

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Avatar of m0r7if3r

Member, Water Cooling Sticky Reading Enforcement O

8,986 messages 0 likes

Yea, I thought it was great until I got to the performance numbers...I think I'd still take a PA, as difficult as they are going to be to find now lol

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Avatar of muddocktor


12,975 messages 0 likes

I was just looking around and Sidewinder is still showing stock on the PA120.3 and PA140.3 rads (15 mm spacing) and Jab-tech is showing stock on the PA120.4 rad (15 mm spacing). So if you want a Thermochill rad, you better hurry up and grab one of the last few new PA rads left. They actually have some pretty decent pricing on these for TC rads too, at around $100-$110.

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Avatar of skinnee

WB, pump & rad molester

163 messages 0 likes

Thanks guys!

Even though thermal performance was not exactly up to the PA standard, I highly doubt Thermochill will leave it where it is and I expect a revision within a year. Thats my guess anyway.

The end tanks are nearly identical from the PA to the TA, the restriction difference is probably there and tube changes that were made. The restriction difference is much smaller than I expected though... not sure why I expected higher.

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New Member

6 messages 0 likes

Very good review, honestly I would like to stick with the PA series, probably will snag up another one (mine was bought used so no flux problem, and I re-tapped the fan mounts to 4mm because I'm mounting it in a water-cooling chamber with the fans in the middle, (fans work better at about a 5 inch distance (more airflow less noise)). Anyways :clap: great review.
Honestly I was here for another reason, but this review was something I wanted to see. Hat's off

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