This Is Good?

I know this might not initially not look very relevant to, but please read on.

A couple of weeks ago i decided to buy a new stereo system, I looked around
checked the reviews, and ended up with two at least semireasonable candidates.

Both have their problems, but they are reasonably reliable. The initial
that have been reported about the first system got traced down to
very slight marginal voltage.
There can also be some Dolby noise reduction problems but who gives a
damn. The bottom line is that there seems to be a lower level of reported difficulties than most other stereo systems.

The problems I’ve seen reported tend to be problems associated with the
amplifier, which both systems have. There can also be some CD loading problems
caused by loading the CDs with the left hand, which are described here.

One last caveat about the first system; it burps after it plays three
tracks. But hey, we can’t ask for everything to be perfect, can we now ?

In case you haven’t noticed, you just semi-endorced two products, using the word “problems”
five times, along with “caveat”, “semireasonable” and “reasonably reliable.”

Is this the kind of choice people have? When was the last time you bought a stereo or a
car, or a toaster or a TV when the advertiser, the reviewer or the manufacturer used the word “problems” five times?
Why should people who use computers have to settle for motherboards with

I agree that your readers should know about these things. I will agree
that your article is very informative and impartial, but I don’t understand
this line: “If you have to buy a new system now …”

Shouldn’t you have finished the article with “WAIT UNTIL SOMETHING WITH LESS PROBLEMS,
arrives in the market??

Ed. note: Couple problems with this:

  1. Some people really do find themselves in the position of having to buy now, no matter what. They need a brand-new system, or the old one kicked the bucket. A lot of people have waited for an upgrade with relatively old equipment since last fall, and just can’t wait anymore.
    Others think they do. They get into a buying frenzy, and it’s as hard to cool them down as a 1.6Ghz TBird running at 2.1V. 🙂

  2. Ironic as it might seem, these boards are doing better than the norm. You may think that’s a pretty low norm, and I’d agree with you, but if we ever waited for perfection, we’d never buy anything.

You’re quite right that the failure rate among PC components and computers would be intolerable in the consumer electronics field. While the mobo manufacturers could certainly do better here (most still seem to believe in high quantity over high quality):

  • The equipment is far more complicated than the average consumer electronics item, and stability depends on factors beyond the manufacturer’s control.
  • The pace of change is quicker than for most consumer electronics.
  • There is relentless price pressure. Quality lost to price quite a while back in the computer mainstream.

    There’s too many people out there who won’t pay for quality, and because of that, nobody gets it. Well, actually you can, but because so few will lay their money on the line, it ends up costing an arm and a leg. Even if you are willing, that’s not going to save you from OS or chipset bugs.

    We demand constant innovation, right away. We demand variety and choice. We make these machines do all sorts of things never envisioned by their creators, and come up with more everyday. And we’re not going to have to pay a lot of it.

    Something has to give. –Ed

    Email James

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