Just got this email:
“It’s taken you about 2 years to get to the obvious conclusion that the rest of us have know (sic): AMD has superior cpus across the board.
“So you have come to your senses!”
Two years of articles, and all this particular person has absorbed from all I’ve said is that, and incorrectly at that.
What do you say to such a person?
Yes, I could say that I’ve said not to buy Prescott since it came out, and that my criticisms of AMD has been of the company and its practices, not its products.
But really, if it didn’t sink in the first eighty-six times I said it, what chance does Attempt Number Eighty Seven have? This radio just gets one station.
We all filter information, some more than others, but filters are one thing. Reinforced concrete barriers are another.
The best I can tell, when this person (and no doubt others) reads me (and no doubt others), the only thing that registers is “AMD: Good or Bad?” Not what or why or how, just thumbs up or down.
Learn Three Facts And Start Yelling
Some might say, “What’s the big deal about a fanboy?”
This could well be so, but what is disturbing is the degree to which this kind of fanboydom is the norm these days, and not just in geekdom. All over.
A long time ago, a political cartoonist (Mark Stamaty) did a comic strip in which he had an “author” talk about his new book “Learn Three Facts and Start Yelling.”
I think he was overoptimistic.
Stamaty was talking about political matters, allegedly grown-up territory, but if you look at what passes for political discussion these days, left or right, there’s not much that gets much past that “three facts” test.
I’m not just speaking about people shooting their typing fingers off; I’m also talking about those in what we call media who get paid, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.
I’ve had a number of face-to-face discussions with people closer to sixty than sixteen, and they certainly haven’t passed the test. They think two or even one fact is plenty, and God help you when you try to add a few extra ones to their heavy load.
It’s not just that they don’t know, they don’t want to know. It’s almost like it’s a sin to actually know what you’re talking about.
You go to so many places these days where important, serious topics are being discussed, on the Internet, in newspapers, radio and TV, and the only real difference between those and watching pro wrestling is that the political commentators don’t flex their muscles.
This just isn’t good. Life is just more complicated than that.
But how mad can you get at someone with a barricaded brain sending you an email on something not important when media millionaires do pretty much the same for matters that are?
So please, not for my sake, but for the sake of you and whatever world you live in, when you approach a subject of interest to you, ask yourself, “Am I filtering out everything except what I want to hear?” “Am I just looking for the one or two or three facts I need to start yelling?”
Don’t add to the Tower of Babble.
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