Well it appears as if the amazing folks of MadOnion have gone and done it again, and no I don’t mean go ingest some pills that were downloaded off of the Internet, but went and released a new product. The official announcement came out Monday the 14th of February. The new product is Video2000. I was provided with an advance copy to evaluate. Here is some of the down and dirty from Video2000:
System Requirements: Video2000 requires the following from your system in order to run:
Minimum Requirements to start Video2000:
- Intel Pentium Processor with MMX Technology, or compatible processor (Minimum 166MHz)
- 64MB Memory
- Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 98 Second Edition or Windows 2000 Professional.
- Microsoft DirectX 7.0 or later and DirectX Media 6.0 or later
Additional Recommended Requirements for an Optimal Testing Environment:
- 128MB of system memory
- Windows 98 or newer.
- A DirectShow compatible SoftDVD – player
Important: Video2000 is not compatible with Windows NT 4 operating system!
Video2000 Pro features:
- A wide range of tests for quality, performance and features
- Online Delivery – Download Video2000 from MadOnion and visit the resource center for latest drivers and utilities.
- System Diagnostics and Information ‘System Info’ analyzes and displays everything in your system from your driver installation dates to your hardware components.
- ResultBrowser2000 – Easy to use program for advanced result comparisons and reporting.
Video2000 is available without charge from MadOnion.com; Video2000 PRO can be also purchased from MadOnion.
Like previous products from MadOnion, they have gone and set the bar for benchmarking. Currently Video2000 is the only diagnostic testing tool that tests image quality, feature sets, and the performance of desktop video streams on your computer.
Thanks again to the guys over at MadOnion.
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