We all want to find the best deals when buying things online. Although buying online is usually cheaper, before clicking buy it is important to be aware of currently running deals both online and off.
If you want to buy a motherboard or CPU check if you live near a Microcenter or Fry’s Electronics before you buy online. Fry’s often runs combo deals where you can buy both a CPU and a motherboard for the same price the CPU would cost you online, however these deals often run for a few days at most but are frequent in nature. These deals are easy to find by web searching “Fry’s ad”. On the other hand, Microcenter has great CPU deals and will often match Fry’s prices. One of the advantages of buying locally is ease of the return process compared to an online RMA. If you live near either of these stores it may be worth your time to take a look.
If you decide to buy online you often have to pay for shipping which can widely vary from site to site. Amazon offers a great service called amazon prime that results in free shipping on all product shipped through amazon, and a low $3.99 flat rate for one day shipping. They often offer a free three month trial, which can be canceled at any time. This service costs $79 a year so be sure to cancel your trial if you don’t find yourself buying a ton of products from Amazon. This option can be selected when going through the checkout process on an Amazon order.
Once you decide where to buy check if Bing cashback can save you some money where you are buying. At the very least you can often save a few percent on the order you where about to place.
Most importantly when buying online, check if the company is on the up and up. Resellerratings.com is a great place to look up customer reviews of online stores.
Last but not least, before clicking buy you should know that the products you are going to buy are both good components and cost effective compared to other similar products. There a tons of helpful people over on our forums that would be glad to assist you in finding the right product for your needs.
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