When Does The Socket A Go Away?

Despite some leakage over to Intel since the introduction of the Northwood, most of you still seem to have socket A systems.

For those of you who do, we have a question for you?

At what point would you be willing to give it up.

Before you answer that, assume the following:

1. Six months from now, TBredBs easily overclockable to 2.3GHz (real) (2800+-3000+ PR) or more with high-end air will get down to the $50 price range

2. Six months from now, PIV systems capable of 3.3-3.5GHz will be available for $325-$350 (CPU and mobo), two sticks of 256Mb DDR400 for dual DDR costing another $150.

3. Nine months from now, Bartons easily overclockable to 2.3GHz (real) (3000+-3200+ PR) or more will be available for a little more than $100.

4. Nine months from now, Clawhammer systems easily overclockable to about PR3700+ become available for $400 (CPU and mobo).

5. Eighteen months from now, Prescott systems easily overclockable to about 4.5GHz will be available for $450 (memory not included).

6. Eighteen months from now, Clawhammer systems easily overclockable to 4500+ PR will be available for the same $450.

Assume that AMD will not make any .09 micron socket A CPUs.

The Questions

For current owners of socket A systems only:

1. At what point would you say goodbye to socket A for your main system and say hello to a different platform (Clawhammer or PIV)?

a. 3GHz/3000+PR
b. 3.25GHz/3250+PR
c. 3.50GHz/3500+PR
d. 3.75GHz/3750+PR
e. 4.00GHz/4000+PR
f. 4.25GHz/4250+PR
g. 4.50GHz/4500+PR
h. 4.75GHz/4750+PR
i. 5.00GHz/5000+PR
j. It would have to be faster than the speeds you list.
k. It would have to be cheaper than the prices you list.
l. I don’t buy like this;, I buy when I feel my old system sucks.
m. I don’t buy like this; I buy when I have extra money in my pocket.
n. I don’t buy like this; I get these things for my birthday/Christmas/graduation, etc.
o. I don’t buy like this; I buy whenever I get the hots for a new machine.

Please don’t come up with a “good answer” rather than an honest one. No naming names for this one. A lot of people buy on impulse, so if that’s what you do, say so.

2. What platform do you think you would buy?

a. AMD
b. Intel
c. Depends on who hits my speed point first/is ahead when I’m ready to buy.

We’ll compile and report the results Tuesday/Wednesday.

Send ’em to the place below.

Email Ed

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