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Any word on 8800gtx/Gts replacement yet??

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Oct 2, 2006
Santa Monica, California
I havnt been around in a while. I was just wondering if there has been any official word on when the 8900 or even the 8850/8950 will be around before I get an 8800 now. Maximum PC sais to expect the 9 (9800) series around january/ February 08 already. SO yeah, I cant wait to spend 350 plus bucks on a card to have it obsolete in almost less than a year.
AC3421 said:
I cant wait to spend 350 plus bucks on a card to have it obsolete in almost less than a year.
This always happens now, I've given up all hope on getting a piece of hardware that will be good for awhile. lol
just buy a card... i mean if someone knew when the next release of the g80's will come if any the release would be soon within the next 3-4months... but nobody knows even around when they are commin out so its not worth waiting... and believe me... even a 8800gts is not going to become obsolete for a while... the power they have in dx9 is amazing... i cant even imagine dx10 when the full potential of the card is used.
a whole year in PC technology is a long time. so January/february 08 shouldn't be considered soon. heck I have an X850 XT PE that was the best of the best 2 years ago. I think around January 05 some places were even trying to get $1000 for them. now for $150 you can get something better. you got to figure what ever is the best now there is going to be something better in 3 to 6 months and 3 to 6 months after that there will be something better than that and so on. just how it works so if you want the best now buy it but there will always be better. :shrug:
I heard some talk of a 45nm (or maybe it was 65nm?) version of the 8800 cards coming out in a few months or so. That would mean alot less power consumption and possible higher clock headroom. No hard facts on this one though, so I'd say grab an 8800 card now that prices have stabilized.
AC3421 said:
SO yeah, I cant wait to spend 350 plus bucks on a card to have it obsolete in almost less than a year.

They do not get made obsolete in a year. I had my 6800GT for two years and it could have easily done one more. If you're talking about it no longer being the best in a year, welcome to the world of computing. As has been said many times on this forum before; you'll never upgrade if you're always waiting for the next version.
Anjow said:
They do not get made obsolete in a year. I had my 6800GT for two years and it could have easily done one more. If you're talking about it no longer being the best in a year, welcome to the world of computing. As has been said many times on this forum before; you'll never upgrade if you're always waiting for the next version.

Agreed. I wasn't having any problems with my two 6800GT cards. Sold them to another forum member. The 8800s were enough of a step up in power that I decided to make the jump then. I'll wait about 2 years and if there is enough of a step up in power I'll probably jump then as well.

Right after I got my 6800s, the 7800s came out. While they were nice, I'd made my decision, and was happy with it. You really have to decide when to jump in and not second guess that decision if you want to be happy. Chasing after performance requires a larger budget than I've got.
Prices are already falling w/rebates , most likely due to the overclocked versions of the 8800xx that just came out .

Example : Evga 8800GTS for $380 AMIR .. http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=322839

With a rebate my 8800GTS wil have cost $365 (+tax)

Its pretty much a consumer's choice when a "good" time to buy is .... but there will ALWAYS be "better" just around the corner ( its the nature of the beast :p)
stereo555 said:
Prices are already falling w/rebates , most likely due to the overclocked versions of the 8800xx that just came out .

Example : Evga 8800GTS for $380 AMIR .. http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=322839

With a rebate my 8800GTS wil have cost $365 (+tax)

Its pretty much a consumer's choice when a "good" time to buy is .... but there will ALWAYS be "better" just around the corner ( its the nature of the beast :p)

Every time I check out the GTS it is another $10 cheaper. I might just go ahead and buy one if it hits $350.
I currently have a bfg 7800GTX that I bought for about 680 when it first came out. When do you think its time for me to upgrade? Or should I Just buy a second one? I dont have the same kind of money to throw down on a video card I used to.
i figured i would upgrade now from my 7900's , as they are great cards . i think if i wait much longer i won't get much for my cards . if i sell now i think i should get around $200 each with maze4 . if i wait longer my card will probly be going for $100 . so i try to upgrade so i stay in with the jones and don't lose much on my old hardware (or at least as posible). go ebay

right now seems to be the time to buy cause the prices have gone down about as much as they will .
heydo6 said:
i figured i would upgrade now from my 7900's , as they are great cards . i think if i wait much longer i won't get much for my cards .

I'm thinking the same thing. I'd like to sell my 7900GTs and move to the new eVGA 8800GTX AC3.
Brute Force said:
The 8500 and 8600 GS (99% confirmed), and perhaps 8600 GT (unconfirmed yet), are coming shortly. They might be worth a strong look.
I keep reading this but not quite sure what the date is. Late Feb maybe?
Brute Force said:
The 8500 and 8600 GS (99% confirmed), and perhaps 8600 GT (unconfirmed yet), are coming shortly. They might be worth a strong look.
I've heard that the 8600's are coming in March. Right near my birthday, should make it an easy decision for my girlfriend :bday: