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Don't buy HP laptops...

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I've got an HP and it's built like a rock. I really don't see what the problem with HPs are, judging by what I see come into the store I'd say stay away from a Dell or a Sony if anything.
I had a ze4900 it was ok i never had any major troubles with it, but i also took it apart a couple times and put in arctic silver 5 in there, but it was very poorly built, it flexed a lot and there was enough space inside the case so that i could have put a 2nd hard drive in there with no problem and very little modding

basically hp = laptop for someone that knows nothing about computers and is going to leave it plugged into a wall

BUT i just got an Asus W3V and it is amazing it is like going from a Hyundai to a Porsche they both are cars and can get you were you need to go but the Porsche is for the enthusiast who knows about cars, wants a quality built machine, and wants to go fast

If you really want something that is solidly built and something that your not going to be hitting your head against a wall because you bought something so crappy look into Asus laptops
My 17" HP P4 3.2Ghz has had its Nvidia 5700 video card burn out on it 2 times in 1 year, the good thing about that is that It only took exactly 4 days to get the laptop repaired and sent back to me each time I sent it in. I have a 2 year ComUSA warrenty to and if it happens again I can use the lemon law to get store credit towards another laptop :p *I thought it was ok to OC the GPU 20% over stock* What tey don't know cant hurt :D
I have worked on several HP laptops. The majority of them run hot as hell and have horrible battery life. On the other hand I have a Dell Lattitude this is my 5th one. I have never had a single bit of trouble with any of them though I do trade them in every 24 months.
HP's repair service has failed me again. Every single time I have to send it back, they fix the original problem, but break something else. I got my laptop back yesterday. When I first plugged it in, I saw that the light to indicate it was plugged in/charging wasn't turned on... so I thought it didn't work at all. So I try turning it on. It booted perfectly. Windows indicated it was running off of AC power. Yet not one of the 3 lights in the front came on (battery status, on/off, hdd activity). Do they even test these things before they send them back?! I swear... I'm taking this POS back for a Dell (wow, never thought I'd say those words... lol)
They said after the 3rd "repair" I can exchange it for a new laptop. Well, that was the 3rd "repair", so this weekend I'm going to Best Buy and getting me something with a Dothan... Turns out buying their $300 extended warranty was a good idea this time :rolleyes:
I love my Acer so far. And their technical support guys (When i asked for an RMA and found out it wasn't the lappy) were great! One of the hot sounding ladies was almost hitting on me. Thats service!

Anyway, I am suprised to hear this since i looked at their stuff and liked what I saw. Dam... hope you get a nice one! Don't get Gateway!
Cheator said:
One of the hot sounding ladies was almost hitting on me. Thats service!

I know her. She weighs 400 pounds.


HP is a retarded company. They are firing more people to make their books look better after having record profits. You know what this means. Even suckier service.
Electron Chaser said:
I have worked on several HP laptops. The majority of them run hot as hell and have horrible battery life. On the other hand I have a Dell Lattitude this is my 5th one. I have never had a single bit of trouble with any of them though I do trade them in every 24 months.

As much as people bash dell - they make good laptops - Toshiba as well is up their on my list for affordable quality laptops.
I've owned 2 dells... and I'm considering buying a third one next fall... if I I can manage to save up nuff money...