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FolderViewMasterIII - Set Folder View details then apply that to all subfolders

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c(n*199780) Senior Member
Feb 18, 2002
This guy here http://home.mchsi.com/~k.miller79/
made the script below for Windows XP. It sets folder view preference for a folder and then has those details applied to all its subfolders but not system wide.

So let's say you have a folder with a huge number of subfolders all of which you'd like displayed as a List, this script allows you to do that under Windows XP.

For whatever reason he hasn't made a script for Windows Vista, can this be done for Vista?

'                Folder View Master             *
'                  v3.1                         *
'                © Keith Miller                 *

Const conBagMRUKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU"
Const conBagsKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags"
Const conAllFolders = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags\AllFolders"
Const conViewLimitValue = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU Size"
Const conMaxBags = 8000
Const conUndoFile = "Undo.reg"

dim oXpShell, oWshShell, oFso, oRegistry, oFolder, oFolderInfo
dim BlockedByNSPath, BlockedByMRUKey, SavedByNSPath, SavedByMRUKey
dim ForbiddenByNSPath
dim sScriptTitle, sScriptPath, sWorkingPath, sAntiVirusMsg, sIntroMsg, sIntro2
dim sNotReady, sMaxLimitMsg, sFreshStart,sPerFolder, sForbiddenMsg, sSetViewPrompt
dim sPreservePrompt, sBlockPrompt, sMsg, sRestartMsg, sThanksTitle, sThanksMsg
dim bRestart, bOpenIsDefault, bFreshStart, bPreserveViews, bPerFolderPrompt
dim tsLog

class FolderInfo
    public BagNumber, MRUKey
end class

sAntiVirusMsg = "In order to function, this script must modify the registry and " _
    & "create & delete files.  These actions will generate an alert from most " _
    & "anti-virus software.  This is normal.  Do not be alarmed." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
    & "Do you wish to continue?"

If (MsgBox(sAntiVirusMsg, vbYesNo, "Welcome!") <> vbYes) Then
End If

'Assign objects
Set oXpShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")

Set BlockedByNSPath = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
Set BlockedByMRUKey = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
Set SavedByNSPath = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
Set SavedByMRUKey = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
Set ForbiddenByNSPath = createobject("scripting.dictionary")




'*** Can't Proceed if 'NoSaveSettings' policy is in effect
bRestart = CheckSavePolicy
If bRestart Then
    MsgBox sRestartMsg
End If

'*** Instructions & Warnings ***

If (MsgBox(sIntroMsg, vbYesNo, sScriptTitle) <> vbYes) Then
End If

If (MsgBox(sIntro2, vbYesNo + vbExclamation, sScriptTitle) <> vbYes) Then
End If

'*** Verify other windows are closed ***
Do While GetExplorerWindowCount <> 0
    If (MsgBox(GetExplorerWindowCount & sNotReady, _
        vbRetryCancel + vbCritical, sScriptTitle) <> vbReTry) Then
    End If


If (GetViewLimit() < conMaxBags) Then OfferMaxLimit()
bFreshStart = OfferFreshStart()
bPerFolderPrompt = False
If Not bFreshStart Then
    bPerFolderPrompt = OfferPerFolderOption()
End If


bOpenIsDefault = IsOpenDefault()
bContinue = True

Do While bContinue    '*** The Fun Starts Here ***
        set oFolder = oXpShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a Folder", 0)
        If oFolder Is Nothing Then WScript.Quit
        bAllowed = NotForbidden(oFolder.Self)
        If Not bAllowed Then Msgbox sForbiddenMsg
    Loop Until bAllowed

    If Not bFreshStart And bPerFolderPrompt Then
        If MsgBox(sPreservePrompt, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, sScriptTitle) = vbYes Then
            bPreserveViews = True
        ElseIf MsgBox(sBlockPrompt, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, sScriptTitle) = vbYes Then
            BlockSubFolders oFolder
        End If
    End If

    OpenAndCloseFolder oFolder, bOpenIsDefault, vbTrue

    Set oFolderInfo = AddToSavedLists(oFolder)

    If BlockedByMRUKey.Count > 0 Then BuildBlockedByMRUKey

    If Not bPreserveViews Then
        DeleteBagsBeneath oFolderInfo.MRUKey
    End If

    sFolderTemplateFile = MakeFolderTemplate(oFolderInfo.BagNumber, oFolder.Title)

    RegImport sFolderTemplateFile

    sMsg = "You have set view templates for the following folder(s):" & vbCrLf
    For each sPath in SavedByNSPath
        sMsg = sMsg & vbTab & sPath & vbCrLf
    sMsg = sMsg & vbCrLf & "Would you like to do another folder?"
    bcontinue = (MsgBox (sMsg, vbYesNo) = vbYes)


LogInfo("Done: " & Now())

Set oXpShell = Nothing
Set oWshShell = Nothing
Set oFso = Nothing

Msgbox sThanksMsg,,sThanksTitle


Function MakeFolderTemplate (sBagNum, sFolderName)    'Returns path to template file
    Const ForReading = 1
    Dim sTemplateRegKey, sTemplateFileName, sFolderTemplate, ts

    sTemplateRegKey = conBagsKey & "\" & sBagNum & "\Shell"
    sFolderName = Replace(sFolderName, ":", "")   'No colons allowed in filenames
    sTemplateFileName = "Folder Template" & "-" & sFolderName & "-Bag" & sBagNum & ".reg"
    sFolderTemplate = RegExport (sTemplateRegKey, sWorkingPath, sTemplateFileName)
    Set ts = oFso.OpenTextFile(sFolderTemplate, ForReading,, True)
    sTemplateInfo = ts.ReadAll
    sTemplateInfo = Replace (sTemplateInfo, "\Shell]", "\Shell\Inherit]", 1, 2)
    sTemplateInfo = Replace (sTemplateInfo, "My", "", 1, 1)
    sTemplateInfo = Replace (sTemplateInfo, "Common", "", 1, 1)
    Set ts = oFso.CreateTextFile (sFolderTemplate, True, True)
    ts.Write sTemplateInfo
    Set ts = Nothing
    MakeFolderTemplate = sFolderTemplate
    LogInfo("Template for " & sFolderName & " created: " & sTemplateFileName)
End Function


Sub OpenAndCloseFolder (oFolder, bOpenIsDefault, bInteractive)

    If bInteractive Then
        If bOpenIsDefault Then
            oXpShell.Open oFolder
            oXpShell.Explore oFolder
        End If
        WScript.Sleep 2000
        MsgBox sSetViewPrompt,, sScriptTitle & " - Script Paused..."
        If bOpenIsDefault Then
            oXpShell.Open oFolder
            oXpShell.Explore oFolder
        End If

        Do Until GetExplorerWindowCount = 1
            WScript.Sleep 1250


        Do Until GetExplorerWindowCount = 0
            WScript.Sleep 1250
    End If
End Sub


Sub BlockSubFolders (oParentFolder)
    Dim oSubFolder
    Dim sNSPath

    Set oSubFolder = _
      oXpShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select the folder you wish to block", 0, oParentFolder)
    If oSubFolder is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    sNSPath = NSPath(oSubFolder)
    BlockedByNSPath(sNSPath) = sNSPath
    BlockedByMRUKey(oSubFolder) = sNSPath    '** MRUKey derived later because of flashing windows

    If MsgBox("Block another?", vbYesNo, sScriptTitle) = vbYes Then
        BlockSubfolders oParentFolder
    End If
End Sub


Sub BuildBlockedByMRUKey()
    Dim sNSPath, sBagNumber, sMRUNode
    Keys = BlockedByMRUKey.Keys
    For Each Key in Keys
        If TypeName(Key) = "Folder3" Then
            sBagNumber = GetBagNumber(Key)
            sMRUNode = FindMRUSubKey(sBagNumber, conBagMRUKey)
            BlockedByMRUKey(sMRUNode) = BlockedByMRUKey(Key)
        End If
End Sub


Function NSPath (oFolder) 'Returns namespace path for oFolder
    Dim dummy
    On Error Resume Next
    dummy = oFolder.ParentFolder.Title
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        If oFolder.Self.Type = "Local Disk" Then
            NSPath = oFolder.Self.Path
            NSPath = oFso.BuildPath(NSPath(oFolder.ParentFolder), oFolder.Title)
        End If
        NSPath = oFolder.title
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Function


Function CheckSavePolicy ()    
'*** Returns False if "NoSaveSettings" = 1, True otherwise ***

    Const conSavePolicyKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoSaveSettings"

    Dim iTempData, bNoSave

    bNoSave = False
    On Error Resume Next
    iTempData = oWshShell.RegRead(conSavePolicyKey)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then '**value exists in registry
        If (iTempData = 1) Then  '** Policy is in effect
            bNoSave = True
            LogInfo("NoSaveSettings in effect.  Policy deleted & run aborted for restart")
        End If
    End If
    On Error Goto 0

    CheckSavePolicy = bNoSave

End Function


Function IsOpenDefault () 'Checks for default folder action: 'Open' vs 'Explore'
    Dim sVerb
    IsOpenDefault = True
    On Error Resume Next
    sVerb = oWshShell.RegRead("HKCR\Folder\shell\")
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        If sVerb = "explore" Then IsOpenDefault = False
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Function


Sub InitForbiddenList ()    'Avoid all drives but fixed and network places
    Const ssfNETWORK = &H12
    Dim colDrives, oDrive, oFolder, sNSPath
    Set colDrives = oFso.Drives

    For Each oDrive in colDrives
        If oDrive.DriveType <> 2 Then
            Set oFolder = oXpShell.NameSpace(oDrive.Path & "\")
            sNSPath = NSPath(oFolder)
            ForbiddenByNSPath.Add sNSPath, sNSPath
        End If

    set oFolder = oXpShell.NameSpace(ssfNETWORK)
    sNSPath = NSPath(oFolder)
    ForbiddenByNSPath.Add sNSPath, sNSPath
End Sub


Function NotZipped(oFolderItem)
    NotZipped = Not(CBool(InStr(oFolderItem.type, "zipped")))
End Function


Function NotSaved (oFolderItemOrString)
    If TypeName(oFolderItemOrString) = "FolderItem2" Then
        NotSaved = Not SavedByNSPath.Exists(NSPath(oFolderItemOrString.GetFolder))
        NotSaved = Not SavedByMRUKey.Exists(oFolderItemOrString)
    End If
End Function


Function NotBlocked (oFolderItemOrString)
    If TypeName(oFolderItemOrString) = "FolderItem2" Then
        NotBlocked = Not BlockedByNSPath.Exists(NSPath(oFolderItemOrString.GetFolder))
        NotBlocked = Not BlockedByMRUKey.Exists(oFolderItemOrString)
    End If
End Function


Function NotForbidden (oFolderItem)
    NotForbidden = Not ForbiddenByNSPath.Exists(NSPath(oFolderItem.GetFolder))
    If oFolderItem.Type = "Channel Shortcut" Then NotForbidden = False
End Function


Sub RegImport (sFileName)
    Dim sCmd
    sCmd = "reg import """ & sFileName & """"
    oWshShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
End Sub


Function RegExport (sRegKey, sFilePath, sFileName)
'---Returns a string with full path to exported .reg file
    Dim sCmd, sTemp, dummy

    sTemp = oFso.BuildPath(sFilePath, sFileName)
    sCmd = "reg export " & sRegKey & " """ & sTemp & """"
    oWshShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
    If oFso.FileExists(sTemp) then
        RegExport = sTemp
        RegExport = ""
    End If
End Function


Sub RegWriteBinary (sRegKey, sValueName, aValueData)
    Dim sCmd, sTemp
    sTemp = ""
    For i = 0 to UBound(aValueData)
        sTemp = sTemp & Right("0" & Hex(aValueData(i)), 2)
    sCmd = "reg add " & sRegKey & " /v " & sValueName & " /t reg_binary /d " & sTemp
    oWshShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
End Sub


Sub RegDelete (sRegKey)
    Dim sCmd, sTemp
    sCmd = "reg delete " & sRegKey & " /f"
    oWshShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
End Sub


Sub CmdCopy (sSource,sDestination)

    sCmd = "%comspec% /c copy /y " & sSource & " " & sDestination
    oWshShell.Run sCmd, 0, True
End Sub


Function GetBagNumber (oFolder)
    const HKCU = &H80000001
    dim sBagsFile, sAllFolders, sKey, arrSubKeys

    sBagsFile = RegExport (conBagsKey,sWorkingPath,"Bags.sav")
    RegDelete conBagsKey
    sAllFolders = RegExport (conAllFolders,sWorkingPath,"AllFolders.sav")

    '* Set explorer window to 5x5 pixels and place in corner to avoid flashing window

    '* clear explorer memory of last folder opened by opening 'my computer'
    OpenAndCloseFolder oXpSHell.Namespace(17), bOpenIsDefault, False

    '* clear bag created by 'my computer'
    RegDelete conBagsKey
    '* but that kills TinyOpen so:

    OpenAndCloseFolder oFolder, bOpenIsDefault, False


    arrSubKeys = GetSubKeysOf(conBagsKey)

If Ubound(arrSubKeys) = -1 Then
MsgBox "Failed to get bag number"
end if

    GetBagNumber = arrSubKeys(0)

    If sBagsFile <> "" Then
        LogInfo("GetBag#: RegImport Started - " & Now())
        RegImport sBagsFile
        LogInfo("GetBag#: RegImport Done - " & Now())
    End If

    If sAllFolders <> "" Then
        RegImport sAllFolders
    End If
End Function

Function GetSubkeysOf (sKeyPath)
    const HKCU = &H80000001
    dim sPath, arrSubKeys

    sPath = Right(sKeyPath, Len(sKeyPath) -5)
    oRegistry.EnumKey HKCU, sPath, arrSubKeys
    If IsNull(arrSubkeys) Then
         GetSubkeysOf = Array()
        GetSubkeysOf = arrSubKeys
    End If

End Function


Function FindMRUSubKey (sBagNumber, sMRUKey)    'As String
'** Determines which subkey of BagMRU has sBagNumber as it's NodeSlot value.
'** Assumes the folder for sBagNumber was the last folder opened and therefore
'** the first Dword of MRUListEx will be the only subkey requiring checking.
 On Error Resume Next
    iNodeSlot = oWshShell.RegRead(oFso.BuildPath(sMRUKey, "NodeSlot"))
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        On Error Goto 0
        If sBagNumber = CStr(iNodeSlot) Then
            FindMRUSubKey = sMRUKey
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    arrSubKeys = oWshShell.RegRead(oFso.BuildPath(sMRUKey, "MRUListEx"))
    sSubKey = 0
    For i = 0 to 3
        sSubKey = (arrSubKeys(i) * (256^i)) + sSubKey
    sSubKey = CStr(sSubKey)
    FindMRUSubKey = FindMRUSubKey(sBagNumber, oFso.BuildPath(sMRUKey, sSubKey))
End Function


Function GetBagCollection (sMRUKey)
    Dim arrSubKeys
    Dim sBagNums, sSubKey, sTempCol
    Dim iBagNum
    arrSubKeys = GetSubkeysOf(sMRUKey)

    sBagNums = ""
    For each sKey in arrSubKeys
            sSubKey = oFso.BuildPath(sMRUKey, sKey)
            If NotBlocked(sSubKey) and NotSaved(sSubKey) Then
                sTempCol = Join(GetBagCollection(sSubKey), ",")
                If Len(sTempCol) > 0 Then
                    If Len(sBagNums) = 0 Then
                        sBagNums = sTempCol
                        sBagNums = sBagNums & "," & sTempCol
                    End If
                End If

                On Error Resume Next
                iBagNum = oWshShell.RegRead(oFso.BuildPath(sSubKey, "NodeSlot"))
                If Err.Number = 0 Then
                    If Len(sBagNums) = 0 Then
                        sBagNums = CStr(iBagNum)
                        sBagNums = CStr(iBagNum) & "," & sBagNums
                    End If
                End If
                On Error Goto 0

            End If

    GetBagCollection = Split(sBagNums, ",")
End Function


Sub DeleteBagsBeneath (sMRUKey)
    Dim arrBagsToDelete
    arrBagsToDelete = GetBagCollection(sMRUKey)
    For each sBagNumber in arrBagsToDelete
        RegDelete oFso.BuildPath(conBagsKey, sBagNumber)
End Sub


Function GetNodeSlotCount()
    GetNodeSlotCount = Ubound(oWshShell.RegRead(oFso.BuildPath(conBagMRUKey, "NodeSlots"))) + 1
End Function


Function GetBagCount()
    Dim arrBags
    arrBags = GetSubkeysOf(conBagsKey)
    GetBagCount = Ubound(arrBags) + 1
End Function


Function GetViewLimit()
    On Error Resume Next
    GetViewLimit = oWshShell.RegRead(conViewLimitValue)
    If err.number <> 0 Then
        GetViewLimit = 400
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Function


Function AddToSavedLists (oFolder)
    sBagNumber = GetBagNumber(oFolder)
    sMRUSubKey = FindMRUSubKey(sBagNumber, conBagMRUKey)
    sNSPath = NSPath(oFolder)
    SavedByNSPath.Add sNSPath, sNSPath
    SavedByMRUKey.Add sMRUSubKey, sNSPath
    Set AddToSavedLists = New FolderInfo
    AddToSavedLists.BagNumber = sBagNumber
    AddToSavedLists.MRUKey = sMRUSubKey
End Function


Sub LogInfo (sInfo)
    tsLog.writeline sInfo
End Sub


Sub InitLog ()
    set tsLog = oFso.CreateTextFile (oFso.BuildPath(sWorkingPath, "Log.txt"))
    LogInfo("Working Path = " & sWorkingPath)
End Sub


Sub CreateUndoFile()
    sUndoPath = RegExport("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam", sWorkingPath, conUndoFile)
    LogInfo("Undo File created: " & sUndoPath)
End Sub


Function OfferFreshStart()
    Dim iResult
    OfferFreshStart = False
    iResult = Msgbox(sFreshStart, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Fresh Start?")
    If iResult = vbYes Then
        RegDelete conBagMRUKey
        RegDelete conBagsKey
        OfferFreshStart = True
    End If
End Function


Sub SetTinyOpen()
    Dim sPrefix
    'Names of reg values are dependent on screen resolution, so:
    With CreateObject("htmlfile") 
      With .ParentWindow.Screen 
        sPrefix = "WinPos" & .width & "x" & .height & "(1)."
      end with 
    end with

    oWshShell.RegWrite conAllFolders & "\Shell\WFlags", 0, "REG_DWORD"
    oWshShell.RegWrite conAllFolders & "\Shell\" & sPrefix & "bottom", 5, "REG_DWORD"
    oWshShell.RegWrite conAllFolders & "\Shell\" & sPrefix & "left", 0, "REG_DWORD"
    oWshShell.RegWrite conAllFolders & "\Shell\" & sPrefix & "right", 5, "REG_DWORD"
    oWshShell.RegWrite conAllFolders & "\Shell\" & sPrefix & "top", 0, "REG_DWORD"
End Sub

Sub ClearTinyOpen()
    RegDelete conAllFolders
End Sub


Sub OfferMaxLimit()
    If MsgBox(sMaxLimitMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Increase Limit for Saved Views?") = vbYes Then
        oWshShell.RegWrite conViewLimitValue, conMaxBags, "REG_DWORD"
    End If
End Sub


Function OfferPerFolderOption()

    OfferPerFolderOption = False
    If MsgBox(sPerFolder, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Preserve Existing Views?") = vbYes Then
         OfferPerFolderOption = True
    End If
End Function


Sub InitStrings ()
    Dim dNow, sRunID, sScriptPath
    sScriptTitle = "Folder ViewMaster III"
    dNow = Now()
    sRunID = Year(dNow) & Right(100 + Month(dNow), 2) _
      & Right(100 + Day(dNow), 2) & "-" & Right(100 + Hour(dNow), 2) _
      & Right(100 + Minute(dNow), 2) & Right(100 + Second(dNow), 2)
    sScriptPath = oFso.GetParentFolderName( wscript.scriptfullname)
    sScriptPath = oFso.GetFolder(sScriptPath).ShortPath
    sWorkingPath = oFso.BuildPath(sScriptPath, SRunID)
    sIntroMsg = "This script will allow you to customize the view for a folder and " _
      & "then have that view applied as a template for all of the folder's subfolders.  " _
      & "Your old settings " _
      & "will be backed-up and available for restoration should you be unhappy " _
      & "with the results." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
      & "In general, you can process folders in any order -- " _
      & "However, if you plan on setting a template for 'My Documents', you should " _
      & "first set templates for 'My Music' and 'My Pictures'.  If you don't, " _
      & "these folders will inherit the 'Document' folder template and you will " _
      & "lose the Common Tasks specific to those folders." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
      & "Also, different views are saved for 'My Documents' and its " _
      & "subfolders, depending on how they are accessed:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
      & vbTab & "'Desktop\My Documents'" & vbCrLf & vbTab & "'My Computer\My Documents'" _
      & vbCrLf & vbTab & "'C:\Docs and Settings\<username>\My Documents'" & vbCrLf _
      & vbCrLf & "are seperate and unique as far as views are concerned.  You may want " _
      & "to take a minute to verify which way you normally access these folders by opening one " _
      & "and viewing the folder pane to determine the path." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
      & "Do you wish to continue?"
    sIntro2 = "This script will be opening and closing explorer windows in order to " _
      & "apply the views.  It is recommended you close other applications to run " _
      & "this Script.  To function properly, It is IMPERATIVE that you not have " _
      & "any Explorer windows open.  If you have any open, please close " _
      & "them before clicking 'OK'" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you wish to continue?"
    sNotReady = " Explorer windows are still open!  Please close them now."
    sMaxLimitMsg = "You're current settings limit the number of saved views to " & GetViewLimit() _
      & ".  Would you like to increase this to the maximum value of " & conMaxBags & "?"
    sFreshStart = "You currently have " & GetNodeSlotCount() & " index entries for saved views and " _
      & GetBagCount() & " actual saved views (These numbers may differ as certain actions will " _
      & "delete the views but not the index).  You will have a choice to delete or preserve " _
      & "the views under each folder you process or your can delete all saved views " _
      & "at this time." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Would you like delete ALL saved views?"
    sPerFolder = "The most consistent results are achieved by allowing FVM to delete the old saved views " _
      & "for the folders you process, ensuring the new template is applied to all subfolders.  " _
      & "For more selective work, you can opt to be prompted to save some or all of the " _
      & "current views under each folder.  Would you like to be prompted on a per folder basis?"
    sForbiddenMsg = "You've selected a folder we cannot process.  Please select another."
    sSetViewPrompt = "Alt+Tab to the Folder window now open and set all view options to your " _
      & "liking." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbTab & "DO NOT CLOSE THE FOLDER YOURSELF!" _
      & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "When you are done, Alt+Tab back to this window & click 'OK'." 
    sPreservePrompt = "Would you like to preserve ALL subfolder views that are currently saved?"
    sBlockPrompt = "Would you like to preserve views for specific subfolders?"
    sRestartMsg = "There was a policy on your computer to prohibit saving folder views.  " _
      & "This has been changed, but you will need to log off and log back on for this " _
      & "change to take effect."
    sThanksTitle = "Thank you for using FolderViewMasterIII"
    sThanksMsg = "Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & VbTab _
      & "E-mail me at: [email protected]"
End Sub


Function GetExplorerWindowCount()
    Dim sExpPath, iWinCount, oWindow
    sExpPath = LCase(oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%") & "\Explorer.EXE")
    iWinCount = 0
    For each oWindow in oXpShell.Windows
        If (LCase(oWindow.fullName) = sExpPath) Then iWinCount = iWinCount + 1
    GetExplorerWindowCount = iWinCount
End Function

Sub CloseExplorerWindows()
    Dim sExpPath, oWindow
    sExpPath = LCase(oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%") & "\Explorer.EXE")
    For each oWindow in oXpShell.Windows
        If (LCase(oWindow.fullName) = sExpPath) Then oWindow.Quit
End Sub