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help a newb with linux

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then its not booting from the cd. bad burn?

most motherboards you have an option when they boot to select a boot device by hitting F12, Esc, F11, or F2... something along those lines... mine is F8
alright, im fixed up and running but now im having trouble getting linux video drivers for my 7600gs.

In what way are you trying to get your nvidia drivers?

Do NOT try and download them. Thats a windows way. go into System/Administration/hardware drivers..

It will ask for your password.
Yes, thats the same password you use to log in.

tick the little box and voila.
You will then need to reboot.

If you want fancy compiz effects then go into System/Preferences/Appearance and select the far right tab (visual effects)
you can also use Envy.
Note that if you used any method other then the one Aussie suggested above BEFORE uninstalling the default ubuntu drivers you will have conflicts.

Downloading them right off the site is an option so long as you actually got rid of the old drivers first. If not you are headed down a road that is not fun at all.
both of you obviously missed the post that jamesxp made, ive already done it through hardware manager AND IT DIDNT WORK!

you also dont grasp the concept that i dont know how to use linux, i dont know how to install/un-install, whatever envy is, anything! you have to explain it to me as if ive never used linux before because i havent!
bishop, there about 5 billion websites out there dedicated to helping you install stuff in linux. if there is anything beneficial to using linux its google.
both of you obviously missed the post that jamesxp made, ive already done it through hardware manager AND IT DIDNT WORK!

you also dont grasp the concept that i dont know how to use linux, i dont know how to install/un-install, whatever envy is, anything! you have to explain it to me as if ive never used linux before because i havent!

i do hope that i am misreading this.
I was trying to be helpful not disrespectful. I was simply offering a suggestion to which a better response would have been, "ok, thanks, could you point me in the right direction?"

or you may also consult google as suggested above. You can get basic answers by simply typing "ubuntu envy" or "ubuntu nvidia" or "ubuntu install"

in any event to install envy, it is both in synaptic as well as by typing

 sudo apt-get install envy-ng

or perhaps visiting the envy website and getting the deb packages. We are always willing to try and help get you rolling, but getting frustrated with those offering suggestions does not encourage an active thread
sorry for my attitude, im just extremely frustrated with this machine.

ive tried googling but most of the time i get a random post on another board that either doesnt get answered or they talk so much linux i dont know what they are suggesting. i do not understand command line in any form and it seems that a lot of fixes or patches have to be done with command line.
Generally thats the way it works in Linux.

You can compare Linux distros to Win95/98 3.* they were a GUI for DOS, and linux OSs are generally a GUI for the Unix based CLI. (Command Line Interface)

The way i learned to use it was to read a few books for basic commands, and this was all i needed because i was familiar with DOS commands. If you aren't you should probably experiment with them until you're comfortable maneuvering in CLI. (the BASIC commands are ls and cd. ls lists the contents of the directory, and cd changes to the selected directory. The layout of linux is different than windows too. When using DOS there is no 'base' directory but only the root of the partition, C: D: E: and to change you have to select a new partition, in linux the base is / and it build from there. /home is like C:/My Documents /mnt/ shows the mounted partitions.

Ubuntu is also nice because it has the install/remove programs application. This makes it REALLY easy to try out different programs. (make sure you change the default option of only seeing Ubuntu's maintained programs to the Universe so you have a better selection.)

When trying to solve problems and someone tells you to try a command in CLI the best option it to cut and paste it. To get the terminal it's under Applications>Accessories>Terminal. To paste it copy it from the browser windows and press ctrl-alt-v when in terminal. If someone types:
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia
you should ignore the $ because it just represents the terminal.

It sounds like you aren't familiar with any CLI so it's going to be a bit of a change, albeit a good one over time, as CLI experience can be used in windows too. (although they're different commands, it's the same overall concept)

Other terms;
LiveCD/DVD is an OS on a disk. It doesn't install on the computer but will rum the programs that are preinstalled on the disk. Some Linux distributions are designed for this (Knoppix, Puppy, DSL) the appeal is that you can use them for troubleshooting or as a nice GUI while installing the OS.

Sudo is a command that temporarily allows a user root privileges. Root is basically linux's version of administrator's privileges (there is more to it but you can learn about it later).

PClos = PClinuxOS is a linux distribution you can check out their website here.

I believe that the incompatibility is because you have a really old card. Nvidia released a newer set of drivers that weren't backwards compatible and i believe that is the default install. Could you tell us the exact model of the video cards?
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Well that's newer than i thought when you said AGP.
make sure that this is installed:
NVidia binary X.Org driver ('new' driver)

I checked on the Ubuntu site and it should be supported, so that's not the issue.
Soo... Whats the error? (nevermind i think i figured out what it was)

Here's a helpfull hint too, when using CLI in linux the tab button acts as an auto complete.

And.. It looks like the package is named differently, which was the problem.

Try this
 sudo apt-get install envyng-core envyng-gtk
It will be located under Applications>SystemTools>EnvyNG after you install it.
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You should be able to just open the desktop settings and turn on restricted drivers rather than messing with envy.

I'm not at home at the moment and I normally use KDE so I'm a bit fuzzy on where it exactly is. I'll fire up a VM of Ubuntu and hunt down where this is exactly.

Envy can break an upgrade when upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10. This happened to me, I forgot to uninstall Envy when going from 7.10 to 8.04 and had to re-install everything.
Here we go just follow this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#Install_restricted_drivers

They mention commands for Ubuntu server so instead of running this:

sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-server

Run this

sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules

I'll just post the rest

You can also install this package from Synaptic Package Manager (which I did.)

Go to System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager and turn on the driver.


Some users may receive an error screen: "The software source for the packsge nvidia-glx-new is not enabled." This can be overcome by going to

System > Administration > Software Sources

and ticking all the boxes under the heading "Downloadable from the Internet", click close and then allow Ubuntu to reload the package lists. The NVidia drivers can then be enabled using the method above.
You can optionally prevent showing NVidia logo on startup by:
sudo nvidia-xconfig --no-logo
You guys need to read his posts, he couldn't figure out how to get it that way. So we're redirecting him to envy as it configures automatically.

both of you obviously missed the post that jamesxp made, ive already done it through hardware manager AND IT DIDNT WORK!