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Need for Speed Underground 2..... is it worth the money?

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veryhumid said:
did you like the first one? I'm hoping I get my copy of nfsu2 today in the mail. i loved the first one. played it over and over. chances are if you liked the first one, you will like the second.

i loved the first one .. in my opinion i had more harder time beating it on normal difficulty than this one .. i was done with the game with 66% and the game expected me to find more races to get 100% ??? :rolleyes: no thanks i had enough of routine :rolleyes:

I am seriously unsure here .. i loved UG and i was so much looking forward for UG2 .. yeah options and customizations are awesome but it lacks in the basic gameplay and replay value IMHO
I liked this game for six hours, and then got bored of it. Lets put it this way; it's almost as repetitive as Doom 3 (race, win, upgrade, race, win, upgrade, etc...), and the incessant and irritating "hip hop" talk throughout gets to be really lame, and even patronizing to the intelligence of the player who has to put up with trying to decipher what the guy on the radio just said.

The game is also riddled with product placement and advertisements, which is extremely annoying.

Playing this game with a few friends is a blast, but the main single player game gets boring and repetitious too quickly.

I'd rather save my money for a better game than this one if I were in your shoes.
They have inproved the driving engine, now you can't go 0 - 60mph in 1.83 seconds in the rx7. Handling is much better , power slides all the time with real wheel drives. Free roam rocks! Still no damage. I playing it on hard, and it seems much harder then the first one, I have to restart a race sometimes! :-\ If you get it, buy a $70 steering wheel too, no point in playing racing games on a keyboard! GO LOGITECH!

EDIT: if you don't want this game, try race driver 2... thats damn good.
If you find it to easy, JUST UP THE DIFF.... bloody hell.
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The game is filled with ads and product placement which are as bad as the Converse All-Star adds in I, Robot. Along with that add dumbass ricer pandering themes and the vacant T&A factory known as Brooke Burke and you've got NFSU2. Sounds like A masterpiece of gaming nirvana to me. AKA a piece of mass market bull**** produced to appeal to as many suburban teenage males as possible. And of course the game was made by extremely overworked (80 hours a week) and underpaid (60k a year) developers. Sounds like something well worth your time and money. Keep ignoring this stuff to get to the gameplay, I'm sure it'll all eventually go away.*

*No I don't mean in my humble opinion ;)
I payed $50 for a game once, and that was Halo PC a year ago. Not to mention the gas to get me to Fry's and back. Last mistake I'll make. I'm having a ball on the demo version of NFSU2, but plan to buy the first version for $20 next month, and play that until the second version comes down to the same price.

Makes me want to get a wheel again. I forgot how much fun racing games can be.
beat the game on pc and not at all worth it...it's basically the same stuff over and over and over again and the races arent too hard to finish 1st in.

not worth it.
I found it used at my EB for $10!!!

You really can't go wrong at that price, even if you throw the disk out a day later.

I wonder if they priced it as NFSU1, because they gave me a funny look when I bought it. Maybe they were just thinking, "what an idiot."

any of you guys ever actually play these games with a wheel? they're a lot more engaging IMO and hella fun to play with friends.