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Official Playstation 4 Discussion Thread

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I'm on to that like a rash.....I have killzone 2 for the ps3 but havnt played it for years, may get if back out now, you forget how good some games are when you don't play them for a while.
I just bought the gtx 780, the new haswell i7 4700k, 16 g of RAM, and a new MSI Z87-GD65 mobo. I have been following E3 closely and I am amazed at what the PS4 and even the Xbox1 can do. How does my rig stack up against the new generation of consoles? Better? Worse? I have no idea at this point. At the moment i have played Crysis 3, bf3, an metro last light all at the max settings my pc is capabable of doing and none of it compares very well to what they are showing (gameplay footage not trailers) at E3. Any thoughts?

What also is kind of weird is how big AMD's role is in this new generation of consoles, how does this impact Nvidia an intel users like me?

I am going today to reserve my ps4 for $399.00 with those specs how can you go wrong? I spent almost $3,000.00 on my PC and I'm not even sure it stacks up against these new consoles.
Thanks for the edit btw. I have a touch of ADD
Just a touch....
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I am guessing it is just me then, but I am highly underwhelemed by the ps4 offering, everyone is cheering no DRM. But I really dont know what it offers that is new. Some nice graphics seems to be the only tempting thing. Since it is the same architecture as PC then PC gaming will have the same potential (and hopefully gone are the days of bad ports), and although on release a high end PC might struggle to match, give it 6months and the next gen nvidia release will wipe the floor. Maybe I am missing something? I am not even tempted by the incredably finite list of exclusive games!

For those of you looking to buy a PS4, can I just ask why?
Basics of my list:

  • I'm a gamer and like to own multiple consoles, especially now that I have the income to afford it.
  • (against XB1) Cheaper than Xbox at retail and subscription is cheaper
  • (against XB1) No worry about online connectivity issues preventing me from playing a game
  • (against XB1) No worry about borrowing/game rentals
  • I have friends that are already on PSN
  • Better graphics than previous generation
  • I play different games on consoles than I do on PC (Racing, Fighting, Sports, Platformers, action games that are exclusives)
  • A new toy to play with

I'm sure I could come up with more, but those were the immediate ones.
Basics of my list:

  • I'm a gamer and like to own multiple consoles, especially now that I have the income to afford it.
  • (against XB1) Cheaper than Xbox at retail and subscription is cheaper
  • (against XB1) No worry about online connectivity issues preventing me from playing a game
  • (against XB1) No worry about borrowing/game rentals
  • I have friends that are already on PSN
  • Better graphics than previous generation
  • I play different games on consoles than I do on PC (Racing, Fighting, Sports, Platformers, action games that are exclusives)
  • A new toy to play with

I'm sure I could come up with more, but those were the immediate ones.

You hit that nail right on the head with that one.
I am guessing it is just me then, but I am highly underwhelemed by the ps4 offering, everyone is cheering no DRM. But I really dont know what it offers that is new. Some nice graphics seems to be the only tempting thing. Since it is the same architecture as PC then PC gaming will have the same potential (and hopefully gone are the days of bad ports), and although on release a high end PC might struggle to match, give it 6months and the next gen nvidia release will wipe the floor. Maybe I am missing something? I am not even tempted by the incredably finite list of exclusive games!

For those of you looking to buy a PS4, can I just ask why?

Its basically a gaming pc at the cost of the gpu inside that gaming pc, and most people (as Janus) said have friends who are already on PSN who they game with......i personally have never seen the draw to a high end gaming pc, the cost just doesn't add up when you compare it to any console, be it Xbox or PS4, all i want to do is sit on the sofa pick up a controller and on-line game with my friends, that about sums up all i want from gaming, all the rest of the gubbins that comes bundled up with the PS4 i most likely will never use, but for gaming, i don't think there is anything better suited to my lifestyle.
Basics of my list:

  • I'm a gamer and like to own multiple consoles, especially now that I have the income to afford it.
  • (against XB1) Cheaper than Xbox at retail and subscription is cheaper
  • (against XB1) No worry about online connectivity issues preventing me from playing a game
  • (against XB1) No worry about borrowing/game rentals
  • I have friends that are already on PSN
  • Better graphics than previous generation
  • I play different games on consoles than I do on PC (Racing, Fighting, Sports, Platformers, action games that are exclusives)
  • A new toy to play with

I'm sure I could come up with more, but those were the immediate ones.

^ all great points, I'm so bummed that Madden and NHL series aren't available on PC anymore (although EA still used the crummy Playstation 2 engine on NHL for PC) so console-only titles is another reason to get a console, Gran Turismo is my main reason and I love Forza for the 360 however from the drawbacks of the X1 I most likely will never see Forza 5 unless they make a 360 platform version (which is likely if business goes sour for the X1).
Online multiplayer requiring a PS+ subscription is a deal breaker for me. I was planning on getting PS4 day one too, but PC will have to do now. PS+ is only an epic deal if you plan on using its extra features or want those "free" games. The only thing I want is to play online, not the other garbage. So, it's really just a waste of $5 per month to me.

Just don't buy that candy bar and cup of coffee each month. :p

Seems silly to me that $5 a month is a deal breaker.
I will open with stating that this is ovbiously my opinion only :)

Basics of my list:

  • I'm a gamer and like to own multiple consoles, especially now that I have the income to afford it.

  • I personally like to own consoles as well, but will only buy multiple if there are things on both that I need, ie previously I had an xbox 360, a PC and a wii. PC for any 'serious' game, or any rts/rpg. Wii for family/party fun and xbox 360 for general gaming, ie cod etc.

    [*](against XB1) Cheaper than Xbox at retail and subscription is cheaper

    I know for some people this is a deal breaker, but £80 is negligable in the grand scheme of things, and with that money I get kinnect included. Which for me is a huuuge plus. Having kinnect included means more development money will be spent on it that on the ps eye (which if you buy will bring its price much closer) as the market share with kinnect will be larger. Not ignoring the fact that from current information the kinnect 2 seems to be running rings around the PS eye.

    [*](against XB1) No worry about online connectivity issues preventing me
    from playing a game

    Again this may be me, but I use steam alot. I cannot remember the last time I ran this in offline mode. This just plain isnt an issue for me. I know ISPs have connectivity problems but for me personally (I have lived all around the UK in the past few years) have never lost internet for more than 24 hours. But even if I do, a quick tether with my phone, complete the handshake procedure and done. Anything short of a natural disaster I cant see this ever stopping me playing the console (I think I am more likely to have a power cut, which I doubt even the ps4 can play through :p )

    [*](against XB1) No worry about borrowing/game rentals

    Firstly it isnt clear how this will work in the end. ie you can possibly set up family members (which can be friends) and lend games etc. Just limits selling games to friends directly. I personally cant rmeember the last time I lent/borrowed an xbox 360 game, but I recognise if this is too much of a headache this iwll be a no-go for a lot of consumers. (potentially offset if we see price reductions on games due to an all digital market, and them getting more money from the second hand market etc[read this bracketed section with a very large pinch of salt - it has been alluded to, but I think in reality will only occur if they get no choice]) - I think this will be made clear/change alot between now and release!

    [*]I have friends that are already on PSN

    as good a reason as any :) from my perspective my own friends use xbl, I wish xplay existed!

    [*]Better graphics than previous generation

    yes, but not mind blowing, if I want graphics I use my htpc and xbox 360 controller (ie thats how I played crysis 2, with DX11 settings max etc from my couch :) )

    [*]I play different games on consoles than I do on PC (Racing, Fighting, Sports, Platformers, action games that are exclusives)

    Also I fully understand that :) for me personally my htpc with a xbox controller meets these needs.

    [*]A new toy to play with
I'm sure I could come up with more, but those were the immediate ones.

:D the xbox one is the king of new toys, alot will become gimmiky I am in no doubt, but 7 bells of hell there are a lot of toys to polay with on that thing!

For me personally my HTPC offers everything the ps4 offers (minus some exclusives) but 10 times better. the xbox one, although the internet hates it now, really is trying to push the boundaries, and it makes me want things I didnt even know I wanted.

Kinnect 2 - Reacting to your actions as you sit on the couch, ie tilt round a corner if you lean your head etc (dont say you've never done this by accident :p ) apparently good voice recognition, I love the idea of saying 'Archers' to send commands in Ryse, as opposed to using the dpad.
plus, I also enjoy the odd family friendly game, motion gaming isnt hardcore, but it can be damn good competative fun that everyone can enjoy. Kinnect 2 in general has left me jaw dropped. I am very eager to see if the tech demos on stage will pass down to reality (wont know till its released :) )

always online/cloud processing - there have been many debates about the extra power a ps4 offers vs the xbox one. Now I agree on paper the ps4 offers more grunt (how much this will affect real life is arguable). However does ps4 offer the same cloud computing (I havent read about it, but please correct me here as I havent read anywhere specifically that it doesnt :) )? offloading low latency requirements (ie large draw distance etc) to the cloud is a fantastic idea. Really pushes the options in the future for game developers. If ps4 cant have something similar I cant see how it will ever be able to keep up on graphics potential.

digital collections - personally for me, digital is the way forwards, it can be done badly (current XBL market place and PSN - both awful) it can be done very very well - ie steam. If microsoft can learn some lessons from steam and bring it to the console world I will be very very happy.

The list of games on xbox one, wow. Microsoft got hated because they didnt announce games last month. Boy has that changed, Sony's collection is looking pitiful in responce.

The multi tasking potential of xbox one, flicking instantly between films, games etc. Queuing in multiplayer games while playing a completely different single player games. Skype/twitch interaction being able to have this on the side of your screen. In summary the pretty much seemless speed the console seems to have on stage. Again I watch this with a large amount of skeptisism, it seems almost too smooth, is it really going to work that well? Only time will tell.

In summary with all its negatives, the xbox one still has me curious. The ps4 just raises the questions, why would I spend £349 to buy somethiong worse than my htpc?
Now don't get me wrong, I will likely end up with all 3 this generation (just like last generation). I'm just deciding on which will be my first purchase.

I personally don't really care about Kinect, and until there is the killer app for it (that isn't 'Xbox, Next Episode') it doesn't really appeal to me.

I am interested to see how the cloud processing works. I wonder if it will be the same 'cloud processing' that SimCity uses [read: as far as I can tell, none, just cloud saves forcing you to be online]. Or maybe it is instead of having people host games on their console for multiplayer.

As for the games. I really don't see any exclusives on the xbox that would force me to buy one:

Titanfall will be out for the PC, which I would get instead of for the console (I suck at FPS games using a controller, I'm all Mouse/KB)
I partially read about the xbox one simulating 35,000 light years of space using NASAs data. Now that seems extremely powerful to me, using the cloud processing. I wouldnt classify sim city as cloud processing, that game was a joke.

In reality I wont buy either on release :) will wait and see.

Games, Ryse looks tempting, always like to follow crytek :) Titan fall is the main title that has my interest though :D you are right its on PC as well. Cant access the gametrailers link here at work :( so cant remember all that were exclusive or not, I remember being impressed by a few though.I just dont remember seeing anything for PS4 that interested me personally.
Copypasta from the site:

This year, E3 brought us a slew of next-generation titles as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 get ready to compete in the marketplace when both consoles release later this year. Like any other console, ultimately it's the games that drives people to pick one console over the other. Whether you're planning to buy both consoles or still deciding to choose which system to get, we have conveniently listed all games slated for the next-generation.
For this list, we show what games can be found only on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Those games you won't find anywhere else. Games listed under the next-gen console exclusive category means that game is on PS4 or Xbox One but can also be played on another platform like PC, Vita, PS3 or X360. And finally, we have a list of games that will be on both Xbox One and PS4 as multiplatform.
The list is only a snapshot at the time of writing and will certainly change in the future. Games like Diablo 3 is listed as PS4 and not on Xbox One because it hasn't been officially announced yet, and games slated for next-gen platforms are assumed to be multiplatform.
In any case, here's the list.
PlayStation 4: 72 Games
Xbox One: 59 Games

Only on Xbox One (14 games)
• Below
• Black Tusk Studio game
• Crimson Dragon
• D4
• Dead Rising 3
• Forza Motorsport 5
• Halo
• Killer Instinct
• Kinect Sports Rivals
• Powerstar Golf
• Quantum Break
• Rabbids Invasion
• Ryse: Son of Rome
• Sunset Overdrive

Xbox One Next-Gen Console Exclusive (8 games)
• Fantasia: Music Evolved
• LocoCycle
• Minecraft Xbox One Edition
• Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
• Project Spark
• Titanfall
• Zoo Tycoon
• Zumba Fitness: World Party

Only On PS4 (10 games)
• Basement Crawl
• Deep Down
• Driveclub
• Galak-Z
• Infamous: Second Son
• Killzone: Shadow Fall
• Knack
• The Order 1886
• Secret Ponchos
• Super Stardust (spiritual successor)

PS4 Next-Gen Console Exclusive (25 games)
• Blacklight: Retribution
• Contrast
• Daylight
• DC Universe Online
• Diablo III
• Doki-Doki Universe
• Don't Starve
• Final Fantasy XIV
• Hohokum
• Mercenary Kings
• Octodad: Dadliest Catch
• Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee New ‘n’ Tasty
• Outlast
• The Pinball Arcade
• Planetside 2
• Primal Carnage: Genesis
• Project Heart and Soul
• Ray's the Dead
• Rocketbirds 2: Evolution
• Super Motherload
• Tiny Brains
• Transistor
• War Thunder
• Warframe
• The Witness

Multi-Platform (37 games)
• Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
• Battlefield 4
• Call of Duty: Ghosts
• Carmageddon: Reincarnation
• The Crew
• Cyberpunk 2077
• Destiny
• Dragon Age: Inquisition
• Dying Light
• The Elder Scrolls Online
• The Evil Within
• FIFA 14
• Final Fantasy XV
• Just Dance 2014
• Kingdom Hearts 3
• LEGO Marvel Superheroes
• Lords of the Fallen
• Mad Max
• Madden NFL 25
• Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
• Mirror's Edge
• NBA 2K14
• NBA Live 14
• Need for Speed: Rivals
• Rainbow 6: Patriots
• Shadow Warrior
• Skylanders: Swap Force
• Sniper Elite 3
• Star Wars: Battlefront
• Thief
• Tom Clancy's The Division
• Trials Fusion
• Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
• Watch Dogs
• The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
• Wolfenstein: The New Order
I just bought the gtx 780, the new haswell i7 4700k, 16 g of RAM, and a new MSI Z87-GD65 mobo. I have been following E3 closely and I am amazed at what the PS4 and even the Xbox1 can do. How does my rig stack up against the new generation of consoles? Better? Worse? I have no idea at this point. At the moment i have played Crysis 3, bf3, an metro last light all at the max settings my pc is capabable of doing and none of it compares very well to what they are showing (gameplay footage not trailers) at E3. Any thoughts?

What also is kind of weird is how big AMD's role is in this new generation of consoles, how does this impact Nvidia an intel users like me?

I am going today to reserve my ps4 for $399.00 with those specs how can you go wrong? I spent almost $3,000.00 on my PC and I'm not even sure it stacks up against these new consoles.
Thanks for the edit btw. I have a touch of ADD
Just a touch....

Ok people keep harping on about this, not you specifically, but everyone has been saying, zomg a console is better for the money. Yes, but what people don’t think about is that the majority of games ( ie metro etc) have been designed with the present consoles in mind, and that tech is now 8 years old. Also games like metro are terribly optimised so keep that in mind.

The tech you have in your computer far outstrips the consoles in terms of raw power, but it has not been utilised.....yet. Expect games to look drastically better now the new gen of consoles is out, plainly because they will be developed with more powerful hardware in mind. But be warned it is also a task of optimising them for PCs as it is a lot harder to get across the board performance with huge differences in hardware, opposed to the uniform nature of consoles. Simply put your machine is a quite a bit more powerful, just wait for the next gen games to be developed and you will see a giant leap on pcs as well. Consoles have always been a lingering pain in developers sides as they have had to keep them in mind so as not to cripple them by going too overboard.

also if there is anything i am going to egt it will be the ps4, wont buy the xbox on principle now haha. Also i hate playing fps's on consoles, 3rd person/sports games all the way.
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Full Specifications and Console Run-Down

The comparison is just making the decision easier for most of us, I'm only after the Gran Turismo 6 title which hasn't been fully confirmed if they'll be making it for the PS4 rather than originally stated PS3. That and the F2P SOE games like DCUO, EQ:Next and PS2, my interest in Madden, NHL and Battlefield games has fallen off.