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SOLVED whats faster than 2x hd7970's

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I am happy with my 2x 7970s, no reason to change them until we get to the next gen AMD cards, and considering the tiny move in performance from 7970 to the 290x, i suspect it'll be 2 years before theres a reason to do anything.

I did consider going for another 7970, but everyone claims its pointless, so i wont. Stick with the 7970s you have, save your money.

If you really want to make a dif, go for the 780ti kingpin 6gb, waist of money, but it will be faster and better... For at least a few months.
Well considering the price of a Titan VS a GTX 780 TI:



780 TI:


The 780 TI out performing the Titan:


it would be pointless to spend more on similar or lower performance. 3 way Titan SLI would cost $3,000. 2 way 780 TI SLI would cost $1,400. Both without blocks. If you were to compare two way 780 TI SLI to 3 way Titan SLI the difference would probably be miniscule with a $1,600 price difference. Hell, you could go with 3 780 TI's, save $900 and get better performance too. It's just pointless to buy Titans at the moment.

I couldn't find very many benchmarks to support my claims but this is a topic on tomshardware comparing 780 TI 3 way SLI and GTX Titan 3 way SLI:


If you bought 3 way Titan SLI you probably would be laughed at. But it'd be your waste of money and not mine.

Anyway, on topic I would keep your 7970's and wait for the 2014 or 2015 cards to come out or go with a single 780 TI + block.
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There is no point in going Titan, 780Ti has the crown now, and there will be 6gb versions of it, puching the Titan down.

But there aren't right now. If you want to run 3 2560x1600 monitors the 6GB would improve that performance.

The 290X is overpriced right now or I would suggest that.
If it wasn't for the price gouging on 280x's i'd recommend adding one of those to your current 7970 if you have one!

My experience with this involves an Asus DCU2 7970 and an Asus DCU2 280x Top V2 (which is an overclocked 7970 apparently) and i've got them running games like Battlefield with rediculously high FPS. It hasn't come without a bit of work..
I've fought with ULPS (Ultra Low Power Settings) which just recently found a way to reactivate itself causing one GPU to run at 60+c constantly and required a redit in the RegEdit!
Benchmarks have been pretty good too!
Firestorm with 2 cards in CF

I'll be sticking with what I got then. Thanks for the replys save me money on trying driffent cards.
Any cards coming out soon worth keeping an eye on?
Any cards coming out soon worth keeping an eye on?

The 6GB version of the 780 TI will be coming out next year as well a 6GB ATI card. I'd be watching for those because they'll probably be decently priced. As for what month, I don't know nor do I think anybody knows. This year's seen a lot of improvements in the GPU department and we can only expect just as great cards to be coming out next year and the year after.

But there aren't right now. If you want to run 3 2560x1600 monitors the 6GB would improve that performance.

The 290X is overpriced right now or I would suggest that.

You've got to be trolling, you're trying to talk him into the most overpriced card on the market and you're complaining about 290x's being overpriced? They're like $599.99 xD Also, WHAT? There would be no significant difference whatsoever. The Titan is dead, it's sang it's last tune, and it will not be making a comeback. Earthdog Sensei, help me out here.
Even then, to spend 2-3 grand instead of $1,400 seems kind of pointless. Even if I was a multi billionaire and didn't ever have to care about money, I wouldn't do that. Why would I spend more money to get less performance? That would just be pissing my money away even if I made **** tons of it. Money's still money.
I don't understand your argument. Titan is by far the cheapest card that can do double precision computations, for those that need that capability (I just set one up for a person in a research lab not too long ago) it is a better buy than a Tesla card.
Really? You don't? I've explained why I thought they were massively overpriced and that the Titan was dead throughout the thread.

Anyway, this topic is getting massively off topic. It was originally about upgrades over 7970 CF and then fanboys & or trolls started talking about Titans which were way out of the OP's price range. The OP also said he was keeping his cards and his problem was solved and we answered his last question. Can we close this and debate Titan's in PM's or in another topic please?
Well, I agree that 6GB at 7680x1600 will be needed... at least more than 3GB. So whatever horsepower differences the 780ti has over the Titan (a few %), can easily be overcome by poor the poor gameplay of 2 3GB cards versus 6GB in games that will use more than 3GB of memory. It may not show in FPS, but the 'paging out' of vRAM 'hitches' games which is worse to me than low FPS.

I also agree with Janus in his point on the Titan. It is the cheapest consumer level DP card available. That is what he is talking to you about Neo. If you do that kind of compute stuff, it will beat out the 780ti in DP work hands down. ;)

Carry on, since the OP is keeping what he has, LOL!
gona mark this as solved, debate is getting a bit heated for me lol.

i do agree nvidia cards are a bit pricey, think thats why i went for amd in the first place.