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Can apple go any lower?

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If I wanted a complicated computing experience then I'd use Linux. As it is, I've worked in IT for 13 years, have built and overclocked countless machines, program on a PC, help losers errr I mean users troubleshoot their PC issues every day and when I go home and wish to use a computer, it is VERY relieving and relaxing to know my machine isn't going to need me to troubleshoot it and screw with it and cause me the headaches I encounter on a daily basis. It just works and if that is being simple, then I'll take it!!!!
Trust me, if it were i nany way profitible for "hackers" to create viri for macs, and use them as botnets, then MACS would be gettin ghit just as bad. Same goes for Unix based systems.

Apple is great at marketing, they always have been. That is perhaps the bets thing they sell, an idea. Mac users generally think they have a superior machine, that is devoid of any problems what so ever. Although, I know plenty of MAC users who have issues, hardware, software, you name it. But they have an IDEA that there machine is better. It's no better or no worse. It's just a little different, oh and costs allot more...

Apple succeded in making everyone think IPods were the only way to store music. And that ITunes was the only way to organize songs and buy songs. ITUNEs is the biggest POS, Ipods are nice and all, but they aren't any better than other MP3 players, and at least those othe rplayers will play more then just apples proprietary format.

In the end, Apples have problems too, maybe different problems, but they have them.
Talk about misconceptions!! Maybe you've got a point when it comes to laptops....

My Mac mini cost me $499 and an equivalent machine to that was the Aopen mini-PC which would've cost me $799 for being equipped the same.

The iMacs aren't that expensive either once you figure in the cost of a similarly equipped PC and monitor. Plus they are just so damned sexy you'll pay a bit of a premium for the aesthetics but it isn't THAT much.

Their most expensive system, the Mac PRO is just so damned powerful that not many people will need 8 3.2GHZ Xeon processors so it's not really worth arguing over.

Ipods play proprietary format??? They don't play WMA, big deal who cares? They play MP3 files just fine. They don't only play AAC files. The last time I checked, MP3 was pretty universal.....
And about simple users using apple..forget that i did not mean it in that way...its kinda hard to explain in words...i just see it as apple is simpler than windows

:) I don't mean to get defensive.

I think Apple has come a long way with their systems. I think many people have a conception of Macs from school that still goes back to how they were with the Classic OS. IMO by the mid-late 90s Macs were worse then trash, OS 9 is one of the worst, most bloated, buggy, incredibly crash-prone operating systems I have ever used. It was so far technically behind the competition it was really quite sad. I'll make no bones about it, I have always despised OS 9 from the getgo, and I always will. OS X is pretty good though. 10.5 has some bugs, but so did 10.4. I remember how 10.4 Server had a nasty bug with inheriting permissions that they didn't address until 10.4.2, and it was incredibly annoying for file serving duties. 10.5 has some issues here and there but for the most part I think it's pretty good, and they'll fix those issues in time, just as Microsoft will fix Vista's issues in time. Right now I can't use Vista because my sound pops and crackles and it drives me nutso! As beautiful an operating system as Vista is, and as nice as it is to use, the little technical glitches are too much, so I'm back on XP for now. I haven't really run into any technical issues with 10.5, other then the firewall issues that Cheator mentioned. Well, BOINC keeps crashing for me, but I think that is because of the optimized G4 client I've been trying to use. OS X Server is a very nice server operating system, the GUI-based administration tools make configuring Apache a walk in the park. I could administer everything manually via the conf files, but it's just so nice being able to point and click for everything (I imagine Windows Server is as easy). I can have other employees configure new users and security realms on the server without them needing to crawl through pages and pages of code in httpd.conf.

Other then overclocking, I think you can do anything on a Mac that you can do on a PC. Even with the Mac Pro and mac mini, it may be possible to overclock via pad-mods or pin-mods, although I've never seen anyone try (somebody please do and let me know how it works :D). If a program isn't available for Mac, you can install Windows and it'll work fine. I'm typing this on a mac mini running XP right now, and I frequently use this mac mini to record SWF videos of web conferencing sessions with WildPresenter. It does a wonderful job at it, although admittedly I could've built a PC for a fraction of the price that would do the exact same thing just as well. :D I do wish that Apple would release a headless mac (like the mini) that allowed for upgradeable video cards, that's my biggest beef with Macs in general. If you want to upgrade your video card you've got to buy a tower that costs at least $2K, and that sucks.

I kind of see OS X versus Windows as an automatic transmission versus a manual transmission. They'll both get you there, but one is easier to drive. Actually on second thought, that's not even a good analogy anymore. OS X lets you dive as deep into the operating system as Windows does, Vista actually seems more limiting then OS X is. Anyways sorry for my rambling post folks. :)
alright alright, we've heard teh same "Apple vs. PC/Windows" arguments before. You guys aren't proving anything.
Back to the original topic... It is childish, but it's still hilarious.

Also, arguing with FudgeNuggets is a monumental waste of time. Unless of course, you like redundant arguments that ignore any factual evidence. If you came here to defend your operating system, it seems like you're missing the point of these forums. What are your overclocks on your Macs Fudge?
Back to the original topic... It is childish, but it's still hilarious.

Also, arguing with FudgeNuggets is a monumental waste of time. Unless of course, you like redundant arguments that ignore any factual evidence. If you came here to defend your operating system, it seems like you're missing the point of these forums. What are your overclocks on your Macs Fudge?

Well, I did go from a Yonah to a Merom, that's a pretty good bump up eh? Don't get upset because every time you debate me you lose.

Ben is right, anything less than OS X was horrendous.

Yes, back to the original topic.... Childish, maybe.... Funny, hell yes. I mean I bet some people think those Mac vs PC commercials with the young hipster and the chubbier Bill Gates lookalike are childish too, but other people love them.
This thread is both humorous and sad at the same time. I used to be in the same boat as the Windows users, being all up in arms against Macs. Then I got an iBook G3; At first I was initially leery, but after some playing around, everything just sorta clicked. Now I have a Macbook, and want to get a Macbook Pro/iMac, and my new boss has already purchased me a Mac Mini and 28" monitor to work on.

Just give them a chance, they are great machines.
I got a macbook a month or so ago with leopard.

I am liking it so far. I have not had any real problems and the few I have had supposedly have been fixed in the previous update or are scheduled to be fixed in the next one. It is a great well made laptop.

I was originally going to put XP on it, but I wanted to see what OS X was like and I think I am going to stick with it.
I dislike Apple's negative advertising campaigns. They have been running negative ads against MS for years rather than promoting the good features about their product. It makes me want to turn off the TV whenever I see that idiot kid actor in the "I'm a Mac" commercials. I'd rather run mainframe apps than touch a Mac.
I dislike Apple's negative advertising campaigns. They have been running negative ads against MS for years rather than promoting the good features about their product. It makes me want to turn off the TV whenever I see that idiot kid actor in the "I'm a Mac" commercials. I'd rather run mainframe apps than touch a Mac.

QFT. AS/400 FTW..oops, can't run a 5250 emulator on OSX, or access ISERIES navigator or for that matter MSSQL or .NET or anything else in the entire enterprise sector...
Trust me, if it were i nany way profitible for "hackers" to create viri for macs, and use them as botnets, then MACS would be gettin ghit just as bad. Same goes for Unix based systems.

Well a large portion, arguably most, internet servers are run by some form of *nix yet large scale virus infections are not an issue as far as I know.

As for the original post, this reminds me of Linspire 4.5 when you had anything in the trash bin you could see a crumpled up Windows logo in the bin, lol. I thought that was funny and I think this is pretty funny too. Like what has been mentioned before this isn't too far off from Apple's current TV campaign.
Strange. New to an overclocking forum yet the last thing i expected to see was someone sticking up for the mac os. xD
Strange. New to an overclocking forum yet the last thing i expected to see was someone sticking up for the mac os. xD

:D Some of us like Macs.

I'm still waiting for somebody to try a LGA 771 pad-mod on a Mac Pro. Or anybody with a mac mini brave enough to try a socket 479 pin mod? (is there any?) Fudge you up to it? I might have to try it, just to silence the naysayers. :D I've gotten pretty used to busting open that mini at work. :eek:
:D Some of us like Macs.

I'm still waiting for somebody to try a LGA 771 pad-mod on a Mac Pro. Or anybody with a mac mini brave enough to try a socket 479 pin mod? (is there any?) Fudge you up to it? I might have to try it, just to silence the naysayers. :D I've gotten pretty used to busting open that mini at work. :eek:

Tell me more about the Mini pin mod; I'm just about over the trama of busting the heatsink push pins when I upgraded to a T7200. ;)
:D Some of us like Macs.

I'm still waiting for somebody to try a LGA 771 pad-mod on a Mac Pro. Or anybody with a mac mini brave enough to try a socket 479 pin mod? (is there any?) Fudge you up to it? I might have to try it, just to silence the naysayers. :D I've gotten pretty used to busting open that mini at work. :eek:

Not me sir.... I've added a T7200 and an extra gig of RAM and that's about as much as I'm doing. However you may want to check with Fugger over at XS, he's usually the guy who mods anything Mac first. I'll leave the highly experimental overclocking to PCs which have cheaper components.
Apple has something the PC world doesn't, a sense of humour. I guess they can afford to though seeing how there product isn't so bug laden and subceptable to virii.

it is hardly a sense of humor, as opposed to taking low ball shots at the competition every single advertisment they have, instead of being original and trying to low ball others, why can't they just advertise what they have... i dont see nix or doz bashing apple on every corner, which wouldnt be hard either.
I dislike Apple's negative advertising campaigns. They have been running negative ads against MS for years rather than promoting the good features about their product. It makes me want to turn off the TV whenever I see that idiot kid actor in the "I'm a Mac" commercials. I'd rather run mainframe apps than touch a Mac.

+1 x infinty

i love my macbook, i have leopard on it now and lucky for me i have not run into the NUMEROUS bugs out there with things like spaces not working and such, it runs windows on paralells because apple didnt make boot camp boot to a diff OS while in the OS, so i dont like having to reboot all the time back and forth.

it is their marketing that makes me sick