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so i just got my 830

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*math corrected* :p
now running in windows @ 267x15=4ghz @ 1.375v :D
52C idle
superpi = 33sec :cool:
pretty damn good considering my timings...
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just finished running 3dmark @ 4ghz.. NP!

only thing is load is 65C :(
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d94 said:
just finished running 3dmark @ 4ghz.. NP!

only thing is load is 65C :(

WOW ! Congrats :beer:

by the way how does it feel/bench compared to a 6-series ?


P.S. be careful with those temps
What bios are you using? I have the same board and CPU and for some reason can't get stable at above 3.75. I am leaving all voltages at AUTO except Ram (2.0v) and CPU (tried up to 1.45 but couldn't even do 3.8 stable with that).

I am wondering if it's my bios (0422) since I was able to boot at 3.99 with 1.45v and temps were 39C idle, and at 3.75 idle temp is 37C. I didn;t get to see lead temps since it rebooted, but I imagine it isn't too high. Bios reports 45C (42.5C at 3.75). 3.75 (250fsb) is rock stable, with ram at 833 (DDR2 800 OCZ Gold). PS is a powerstream 520 so I doubt it's the problem.

I really expected at least 3.85 since I'm on water...but hoped more for 4.0GHz full time at no more than 1.45-1.5v.

What do the gurus think?

ZL1 said:
WOW ! Congrats :beer:

by the way how does it feel/bench compared to a 6-series ?


P.S. be careful with those temps

well.. seems to be faster according to superpi! it actually seems a tad faster than my 640!
Category 5 said:
What bios are you using? I have the same board and CPU and for some reason can't get stable at above 3.75. I am leaving all voltages at AUTO except Ram (2.0v) and CPU (tried up to 1.45 but couldn't even do 3.8 stable with that).

I am wondering if it's my bios (0422) since I was able to boot at 3.99 with 1.45v and temps were 39C idle, and at 3.75 idle temp is 37C. I didn;t get to see lead temps since it rebooted, but I imagine it isn't too high. Bios reports 45C (42.5C at 3.75). 3.75 (250fsb) is rock stable, with ram at 833 (DDR2 800 OCZ Gold). PS is a powerstream 520 so I doubt it's the problem.

I really expected at least 3.85 since I'm on water...but hoped more for 4.0GHz full time at no more than 1.45-1.5v.

What do the gurus think?
im using bios 509
and it may be just be your chip :shrug:
and man do those temps sounds nice :p

btw ~ i just got home from work and prime was still running! so.. im pretty sure its actually stable :D

now to lower the volts and burn baby burn :cool:
Nice work d94! :D If you have a high cfm cpu fan try flipping it over and pulling the air off your cpu, i did that with my 3.0E and my temps dropped 4~5c.
dylskee said:
Nice work d94! :D If you have a high cfm cpu fan try flipping it over and pulling the air off your cpu, i did that with my 3.0E and my temps dropped 4~5c.
hehe i may just do that :)

well.. i went ahead and bumped it up a bit: 274x15= 4.1ghz 1.375V
superpi is still 33sec

i just ran sanra for the first time and wholly **** are these numbers NUTS
i ran it 3 times to make sure it was consistant :shrug:
Looking good so far, As soon as I hit 260 FSB on my 820 thats when I had to start bumping voltage up like mad, to hold 266FSB stable I needed 1.45, for 275 FSB 1.525. Not to mention after 250 FSB my FSB started craping out, Termination voltage is set to 1.5, still safe.
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welp ran 3dmark and it half way through the first test so it needs more volts to go higher :p

but i ran sandra @ 4ghz which i know is stable i got more realistic numbers :)

so its about 1-1.3k improvement over my 640
and if i were to run that 14x multi fsb would be 286
can my board handle that? and do i need more volts!?
The board can handle it no prob, but to hit 285 FSB you'll need around 1.575 volts from what I've been reading, and on air your temps will be way to high. If you do plan on going up to 285 FSB eventually put a fan on your mosfets and NB.
welp... i went ahead and bumped chipset to 1.6.. kept cpu the same and so far so good :D

also lowered ram timings to 3-3-3-8.. i dont think it helped because superpi is the same and sandra shows:


guess ill go back to 267 and try lowering my timings to stock
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I'm guessing you need to change your FSB termination voltage also, usually when scores get messed up like that it's because everything is out of sync, and its gets more and more out of sync till it crashes.

These settings were stable for me at 266 FSB

Cpu vcore: 1.45
FSB Termination: 1.50
MCH: 1.65
ICH: 1.20

All of the voltages except for the CPU core and within specified ranges. I think smithfield core ratting is 1.50 if I'm correct.
HempHog said:
I'm guessing you need to change your FSB termination voltage also, usually when scores get messed up like that it's because everything is out of sync, and its gets more and more out of sync till it crashes.
fsb term volt? :confused:
i did run everest and these relults look realistic to me :)
make sure to try in sandra also. I could never get everest to report odd numbers, but sandra did, not that I'm stable everything is good.